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* Do you ever want to be able to have fun and become a Greek God in Minecraft?
* Do you want to have even more fun that simply typing /god and not being able to be killed?
* Are you obsessed with Percy Jackson?
* Then McGods is the right plugin for you!


McGods is a plugin developed by pokemonzr. This is my third plugin in dev bukkit. McGods is a plugin about greek gods. You get to choose your own cool greek god and you also get a killer prefix! Each greek god has a different power. Some of them are better than others with their power. Please note that minecraft is VERY limited on the way this plugin and plugins like this work. Do not complain if they are bad powers, because minecraft, again, is limited.


* Become a greek god!
* Have an awesome prefix!
* Use simple commands!
* Have a special power!


* Aphrodite
* Apollo
* Ares
* Artemis
* Athena
* Demeter
* Dionysus
* Hades
* Hephaestus
* Hera
* Hermes
* Poseidon
* Zeus


* Aphrodite: Spawns a sheep.
* Apollo: Heals you and sets the time to day.
* Ares: Gives you a diamond sword.
* Artemis: Spawns a cow, pig, and chicken while it gives you a stone sword.
* Athena: Gives you a bow and 64 arrows.
* Demeter: Gives you Seeds, Melon Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, and Cocoa Beans.
* Dionysus: Sets your health to 3 and 1/2 hearts and fully heals your hunger.
* Hades: Creates an explosion and gives you a bone.
* Hephaestus: Gives you a Flint And Steel, Lava Block, Fire Block, and Clean Stone.
* Hera: You get a rose and it spawns a villager.
* Hermes: Gives you a book and quill and a emerald.
* Poseidon: Gives you a water block and starts a storm. Type /toggledownfall to turn off.
* Zeus: Gives you 5 diamonds, a stick, and a lightning strike.


To download this plugin click on the download button on the right hand corner of the screen twice. Or you can to to Overview > Files > McGods 0.2.


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Minecraft Server GodCraft

This plugin has been tested and works with the latest RB; this is 1.3.1-R2.0.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 18, 2012
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