
LogWorld - Now, you know what happens !

Now, you know what happens !

Support MySQL !

This plugin log and tell illegual actions of players.

It can log and tell : Date, Location, World, Player, Action, Item.

This plugin uses MCStats and the Gravity's Updater.

How does it work ?

You have a config file config.yml :

In this config you have IDs.

Just put your item id you want to log and put true if you just want to log or false if you want to prohibit the use of this item.

(Please look the Config section below for examples !)



LogActions - [ true | false ] - Choose if you want to log the actions to a file / a MySQL database.

EnableUpdater - [ true | false ] - Enable updater.

TellOps - [ true | false ] - Tell the operators of the server when a player try to use an illegal item / block.

TellConsole - [ true | false ] - Tell the console if a player try to use an illegal item / block.

Items - [ex : 'STONE': true] - In this example we just log if a player place a stone but we don't prohibit it. true for prohibit it, false for just log it. You can view the list of available values here (scroll down the page).


If you want a database, you can have one for free here.//

Use - [ true | false ] - If you set this option to false, MySQL will be disabled and the plugin will log the actions into a file called "LogWorld v'Plugin Version'.log".

Host - [ex : localhost] - Your MySQL hostname.

Port - [ex : 3306] - If you don't know what put here, leave 3306.

Database- [ex : logworld] - Your Database Name.

User- [ex : Skyost] - Your MySQL User Name.

Password- [ex : PaSsWoRd] - Your MySQL Password.

Bugs reports and features requests

Please use the ticket tracker.

Support the project (and the author)

Development cost time and time is the money of the life. Please feel free to donate.



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 20, 2013
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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