
Notice! I am currently very busy with both work and school. Please refrain from feature requests and only post bug reports, as I am unable to do extra work at this time.

Ever wanted to keep track of just how many pigs you've slaughtered? Or compare your skeleton kills with a friend? With KillSuite, your kills are all tracked and counted, and saved to a database. You can then compare kills based on mob name, total kills overall, or (new!) check your kills on each enemy by specifying your own name!

Project Details

  1. Source
  2. Jenkins 2.1. Use of the plugin builds from Jenkins is unofficial, unsupported and unapproved by BukkitDev Staff!

Basic Usage

Drop KillSuite.jar into your plugins directory, and it'll create a folder (plugins/KillSuite) with a configuration file (plugins/KillSuite/config.yml), and a user database (currently users.yml). By default, it stores users in YAML, which will be quite sufficient if your server is small (~100 players). SQLite is now supported, and should be used for servers with more than 100 players.

As of 3.x+, this plugin also creates a 'leaders.yml' file, which it uses to display the current leader lists. Do not edit this file!

The config contains some information on how it actually works, as well as a very simple localization setup. It currently only supports the messages in the config, but if it's requested I can set up multiple localizations and persist them by user (without permissions).


  • /leaders [creature] (deathcounter.leaders) - Will display a message containing the top 5 kill leaders for the creature specified.
  • /stats [player] -aop (deathcounter.stats) - Will show the specified category of kills (a = animals, o = other, p = player, blank = monsters) for the specified player (or yourself, if omitted).
  • I have removed the ability to reset a specific user until I can come up with a good way of sanitizing input through my CommandHandler.


  • Track player, monster and animal kills
  • Leaderboards for total kills and individual monsters
  • MySQL, SQLite and Flatfile database support
  • Economy support through AllPay for all major economy systems
  • Configurable pricetags on each and every monster's head, with configurable price attenuation based on depth.
  • Coming Soon: The ability to take out contracts on player and monster kills, for small 'user specified' quests.
  • SimpleNotices support!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 24, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Feb 10, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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