KillPoint Pictures/Logo.jpg

Welcome to KillPoint!

KillPoint allows you to reward your players for PvP or PvE on your server. This plugin is currently in a heavy development stage and plans for it are huge, including much more customization, points, leaderboards, skills, and much much more.

Plugin Features:

  • Award players a custom amount of money for killing a hostile mob.
  • Award players a custom amount of money for killing a peaceful mob.
  • Award players a custom amount of money for killing a player.

Planned Features:

  • Penalties for killing certain mobs.
  • Leader boards for killing certain mobs.
  • Skill system.
  • Point system.
  • Many more are planned but are not listed.

Getting Started:

  1. Check to ensure that you have the required plugins installed on your server before going onto the next step.
  2. Download the plugin from the download page.
  3. Drop it into the plugins folder.
  4. Reload or start the server.
  5. Edit the config to your liking.
  6. Reload or restart the server.

Plugin Requirements:

  • This plugin requires Vault. Download and install it here.
  • This plugin also requires an economy plugin supported by Vault.
    • Essentials and iConomy are 2 of the most common economy plugins.

Commands and Permissions

/killpoint updateKillPoint.update
/killpoint changelogKillPoint.update

Editing The Config

    Rewards: # Edit the amount of money that is given to players when they kill something.
        PlayerKill: 15.0
        HostileMobKill: 10.0
        PeacefulMobKill: 5.0
    Messages: # Edit the messages that are sent to the player when they kill something - Leave blank or '' for no message.
        PlayerKill: 'You were awarded {PLAYER_KILL} for killing a player!'
        HostileMobKill: 'You were awarded {HOSTILE_KILL} for killing a hostile mob!'
        PeacefulMobKill: 'You were awarded {PEACEFUL_KILL} for killing a peaceful mob!'
Updates: # Change based on if you want this plugin to check for the latest version automatically. It is strongly recommended it stay true.
    CheckForUpdates: true

Plugin Metrics:

  • This plugin uses Plugin Metrics, it collects completely anonymous (and minimal) usage information at no cost to you whatsoever. Their website may be found here.
  • If you would really like to disable it: Go to Plugins/PluginMetrics, and edit the config to opt out.


  • This plugin uses Gravity's Updater, it checks for an update every time the server is reloaded or started, and allows you to update the plugin without ever having to come back to this page. It is strongly recommended that it stay on for your own benefit, but if you would like to disable it for any reason. Go to Plugins/KillPoint, open config.yml, and change "CheckForUpdates" to false.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 19, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Jan 20, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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