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Want to save a million signs at your spawn point explaining rules and info? Well, now you can have a simple button! Press it, and it will either show the user text, in colour format which you define in a text file. Or run a command. Simple but effective!

Plugin VersionVersionInfoButton-2.1-R1
CB ReleaseBukkit Release1.3.2-R0.1
RequiresRequiresVault (Without Vault 'InfoButton' will disable on its own!)
Development BuildsDevelopment BuildsJenkins CI
JavaDoc (API)Javadoc APIjavadocs
Soruce Code (GitHub)Source codegithub

Latest Release Latest Development

How to set up

Run a command

  1. Place a button
  2. Look at the button and type /ib create
  3. Still looking at the button, type /ib command <command> <args> (Do not include the /)

Read a file

  1. Place a button
  2. Look at the button and type /ib create
  3. Create a file with the text inside and upload to plugins/InfoButton/infoBooks/ (Make sure it has no spaces in the filename, and it is a .txt)
  4. Still looking at the button, type /ib file <filename> (Do not type the .txt) Note: You may use colours, bold, underline, strikethrough in the txt file. To do this, use &a, &b etc for colours, &o for bold, etc


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 23, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jan 3, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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