
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.



HeroicChat is a plug and play, easy to use chat plugin. This plugin will add channel based chat to you minecraft server. Once a new player joins the server he will be put in the default channel and he will be able to talk to everyone in that channel. The player will also be able to join and create other channels.

What is a Channel?

A channel is a chatroom for people to chat in. Every channel has its own name and prefix. People are able to listen (receive) chat from other channels, but they can only speak in one channel at the time. This will prevent a lot of spam to the online players on the server. Also a channel can provide privacy to chat, because you can password protect a channel to prevent a lot of people from joining.

How does it work?

When a player joins your server for the first time they will be put in the default channel. They can then create a temporary channel to have a good time with their friends. When a player creates a channel, the channel will some default configurations. The owner of the channel or a player with the bypass permission can edit these configurations. Some of these configurations include prefixes and password protection. Once they all left the channel, it will be deleted by HeroicChat preventing lag.


  • /hc createpermanent <name> - create a permanent channel
  • /hc create <name>" - create a temporary channel
  • /hc edit <name> <property> <new value> - edit a channel
  • /hc delete <name> - delete a channel channel /hc kick <name> - kick a player from a channel
  • /hc list - list all channels
  • /hc say <name> <message> - broadcast a message to a channel
  • /hc info (name) - display info about a channel
  • /hc join <name> (password) - join a channel
  • /hc leave - exit to the default channel
  • /hc receive <name> (password) - listen to a channel
  • /hc stopreceive (name) - stop listening to a channel


  • heroicchat.channel.delete.own: allows a user to delete their own channel default: true
  • heroicchat.channel.delete.others: allows a user to delete the channels of others default: OP
  • heroicchat.channel.kick.own: allows a user to kick people from their own channel default: true
  • heroicchat.channel.kick.others: allows a user to kick people from channels that they do now own default: OP
  • heroicchat.channel.create: allows a user to create a temporary channel default: true
  • heroicchat.channel.createpermanent: allows a user to create a permanent channel default: OP
  • heroicchat.channel.bypasslock: allows a user to bypass channel protection default: OP
  • heroicchat.channel.edit.own: allows a user to edit their own channel default: true
  • default: true
  • heroicchat.channel.edit.prefix: allows a user to edit the prefix property of a channel default: true
  • heroicchat.channel.edit.owner: allows a user to edit the owner property of a channel default: true


Right now the only configuration that you can change is the show-channel-prefix. This will turn prefix of the channels on or off.


use the ticket system!

To-Do before release

  • think of a different name (suggestions?)
  • add multiserver support with a addon
  • add ranged chat configurations
  • add admin and mod permissions
  • add permission based channel joining
  • any suggestions?


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 28, 2012
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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