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Another chat plugin?

Well, yes. It's another chat plugin! Why did you make another chat plugin?! Well, i really love making bukkit plugins, it's like a hobby for me and i believe that the programs/plugin that are good are the ones that are made because the developer who made them made them for the fun. I got a lot of response on my first GroupChat that i released but then i lost all my code and since then i've recoded the plugin several times but was never happy with the result! This time the plugin have been split into two parts, one is the GroupCore witch will be used several times in lot's of other plugin that I have planed!

  • Different chat-groups
  • Users can create their own chat-groups
  • Every user / group have different levels
  • Default chat for whole server
  • Custom messages can be set for join and leave from groups
  • If a group is created, all players with the same or higher level will join it. Can be configured in config!
  • All commands have permissions
Features to come
  1. Import of groups from Permission systems
  2. Mute players [Private]
  3. Mute players [Globally]
  4. Can YOU think of any?
Level system?

As this plugin uses levels for it's group management it's a good idea to understand it! Well, it's not to bad, basically players can join and write in groups that are the same or lower level as they are.


Integration will be implemented by the core witch can be found here. The integration includes Permission systems, those will be implemented by the GroupCore!

  1. Download and install GroupCore.
  2. Download and install this.

Permissions and commands can be found here.

Where can I find configs?

As all plugins that uses GroupCore uses GroupCore for management the configs will be in /plugins/GroupCore/GroupChat


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 19, 2011
  • Last Released File
    May 21, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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