
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


Project moved to Spigot

2.8 is out now! Have fun! :)

Originally created for Maybegames.net - Your German Minecraft Network.
If you like this plugin, check out this -> APM
Thank you for +3000 Downloads :)

If you find bugs or something similar, please write a ticket with the ticket system, thanks!

WorldGuard support

If you want to use the WorldGuard support, thats allow only the fuelbombs in regions, where they can also build, you've to download latest WorldGuard.jar and set the config option "worldguard_support" to "true".


Fuel bomb is just a throwable fuel bomb.
You can craft it, you can throw it.
I think it's really cool for a PvP server.


So you can crafting it:






Look at the picture. In this radius people will burn (3x3x3)!


How it use?

You need to have the permission "fuelbomb.use"

Craft it, take the Fuelbomb in your Hand hand.

Right-click to throw the Bomb.

Commands & Permissions

/fuelbombInfo command to lookup the version etc..No permission required.
/fuelbomb r;reloadReload the config file.fuelbomb.reload
/fuelbomb give <Player or blank for yourself>Give you or yourself a fuelbomb.fuelbomb.give

noneAbility to throw the Fuelbomb. (default: everybody)fuelbomb.use
noneAbility to receive update notification . (default: opfuelbomb.update


Default Config

mode123The mode which do you want to use. Mode 1 is recommed.
updatenotificationtrue;falseActivate or disabled the auto update notficater.
give_command_name<a word example 'give'>Set the name of the give-command if nothing there it's give. Format /fuelbomb <yourcommand>
worldguard_supporttrue;falseActivate or deactivate the worldguard support. Obviously you need WorldGuard for these. If it activate, people can only use it, if they can build.

This plugin utilizes Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to mcstats.org:

A unique identifier

The server's version of Java

Whether the server is in offline or online mode

The plugin's version

The server's version

The OS version/name and architecture

The core count for the CPU

The number of players online

The Metrics version

You can disable the stat collection via /plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml if you wish.

http://i.mcstats.org/FuelBomb/Global Statistics.borderless.png

I'd like it, if you give me feedback or ideas.

Have fun :)

Greetings Premx

If you wish to add me on Skype: it.premx


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 28, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Aug 26, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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