
EssentialsLitePlus EssentialsLitePlus
is the most configurable plugin!

Update is coming very soon! Only works for Java 8. Any older version and the plugin will crash!

Sorry for the inconvenience. My computer's screen broke and I'm currently getting it fixed. The update may not come for awhile but I don't know when I can get it out. Luckily it is just the LED inside the screen that is slightly shattered and my computer is under warranty. Should be fixed in a week or two. Once I get my laptop back I will work on it non-stop. Promise ;).

Configure your own messages in the commands, or even disable and enable them. (The plugins that are disabled by default are disabled because they may not be fixed). Please submit bugs with TICKETS ONLY. This plugin gives you fun commands like /fly and fly in survival. You can also do /essentialsliteplus and it will show you the control panel GUI. There will be two things in it...RELOAD and UPDATE. (The plugin will only auto update if you click the icon in the GUI)

This plugin does work for 1.7.9 - 1.8.X
You will need to update your Java to the latest build for future updates!

Visit our site here
Check out our server here
Our plugin is open source. See it on GitHub

To do list:

- Add warps and spawns.
- Add 20 more commands.
- Add kits.
- Add permission bundles.
- Convert to UUID.

Permissions and Commands:

/essentialsliteplusel+.controlpanelUse to reload and update the plugin.
/feedel+.cmd.feedFeed yourself silly.
nullel+.cmd.feed.othersFeed other players silly!
/flyel+.cmd.flyYou can fly or you can stay grounded.
/heal [playername]el+.cmd.healHeal yourself
nullel+.cmd.heal.othersHeal others
/kill [player]el+.cmd.killKill another player!
/sethunger [0-10]el+.cmd.sethungerSet your hunger to a certain level!
/speed [0-5]el+.cmd.speedSet your speed to a certain level!
/nickel+.cmd.nickSet yourself a nickname!
/iteminfoel+.cmd.iteminfoGet the information on the item you're holding.
/meel+.cmd.meBroadcast a fake action message!
/sethealthel+.cmd.sethealthSet your health to a certain level!
/gamemodeel+.cmd.gamemodeSet your gamemode to a different mode!
/survivalel+.cmd.gamemode.survivalSet your gamemode to survival!
/creativeel+.cmd.gamemode.creativeSet your gamemode to creative!
/adventureel+.cmd.gamemode.adventureSet your gamemode to adventure!
/invseeel+.cmd.invseeLook at someone's inventory!
/enderchestel+.cmd.enderchestEdit your enderchest without an enderchest!
nullel+.*All Permissions Node

Configuration Example:

    Enabled: true //Set it to false to disable
    Messages: //All messages go here.
      FlyOff: '&4You can no longer fly!'
      FlyOn: '&aYou can now fly!'

Coming Soon In Next Update(s):

- Major bug fixes.
- Warps feature
- Optional Spawns Feature
- Optional /Hub Feature
- /lightning feature
- Hub server features that can be disabled or enabled as wished.
- On death features that can be disabled or enabled as wished.
- /lastdeath [option] feature that gives you information on your last death and let's to teleport to the location.
- Economy feature (Will need vault)
- Shops
- Misc. Signs


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