
EnderChestControl v 1.8


1.7 = total rewrite!

What is this?
EnderChestControl is an advanced EnderChest management tool designed to help administer EnderChests that players on your server use. It supports an array of features (read below) that help make EnderChests what they should have been.

- EnderChest blocking (multiworld): That's right, using permissions (see below) you can actually make the access and use of EnderChests mutiworld!
- EnderChest access cost: You can set an amount (in config.yml) for users to pay to use EnderChests. Every time they use it, tey must pay this fee.
- Admin EnderChest view: Admins with a simple command (see below) can actually view what a player (or group of players) has in their EnderChest. This is a GREAT! tool against smuggling illegal items.
- User raiding: That's right, users can now raid EnderChests. When a user right clicks with an Eye Of Ender (configurable) they will see the last chest of the person who used the EnderChest. If you want to have a safe public chest, you can disallow players to view it with a simple command.
- NEW! Group EnderChests: This is a big feature to the 1.7 update. If you server has a plugin (currently either Factions, Towny, or SimpleClans) it will detect if the player is in a "group" (either a faction, town, or clan). If they are in a group, then instead of their normal EnderChest, they will see a Group EnderChest that is shared for the group. The leader of the group can set the permission for players to access, either p: all players, a: assistants, or l: leaders.
- EnderChest signs: This is a small feature, but somewhat useful. You can an [EnderChest] sign, and it will allow players to look into their EnderChest.
- New! MySQL Support: In the config you can have this plugin link with MySQL so that you can save your EnderChests in the cloud! Perfect for Multiserver support, or for easy data management .

Why would I need this plugin?
As I said above, this is a really useful for pretty much any server. Your players can hide items in their EnderChests' right under your nose! With admin viewing, you can stop this and keep your players/server safe and secure! The group feature also gives a big advantage to players who are in factions, and want to keep their items secure. Remember, they only get 1 chest which is 27 slots!

(You can use /ecc or /enderchest)


/ecc view <player> - View a <player>'s EnderChest.
/ecc view group <group> - View a <group>'s EnderChest.
/ecc denyview - Allows you to right-click an EnderChest to put it in deny view mode (stops eye of ender access).
/ecc setperm <l:p:a> - Set the group permission of your chest.
/ecc perminfo - View EnderChest permission info ingame.

enderchestcontrol.use = Allow a user to use an EnderChest.
enderchestcontrol.ignorepay = Allow a user to not have to pay for an EnderChest
enderchestcontrol.userviewother = Allow a user to use the View Item on an EnderChest
enderchestcontrol.adminviewother = Allow a user to use /ecc view
enderchestcontrol.denyview = Allow a user to use /ecc denyview
enderchestcontrol.makesign = Allow a user to make an [EnderChest] sign

- Add github link to source (pretty soon :D)
- MySQL support!

v 1.8
- Added in MySQL support
- Fixed signs! (Very sorry about that :()
- Fixed other issues/bugs :D.
v 1.7.1
- Fixed some bugs, hopefully we are bug-free :D!
v 1.7-
- Total recode!
- Added GroupEnderChests
- Fixed all bugs!
v 1.6-
- Performance fixes
- Error fixes
v 1.5 -
- Fixed errors from happening!
v 1.4-
- Fixed enchantments, and improved some storage issues ;D. Dillget will aut0update plugin for you ;).
v 1.3 -
-Updated to support DillyGet
v 1.2 -
-Fixed error when trying to use /enderchest player
-Added enderchest sign!
v 1.1 -
-Added admin control to enderchests
-Added the ability for users to be able to raid enderchests

v 1.0 - Release! [/quote]


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 4, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Dec 29, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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