

What is EasyCrops?

EasyCrops is a really simple plugin. It allows you to right click crops with a hoe and the crop will break, drop the crop's item, and replant itself!


For right now, EasyCrops only works on:

  • Wheat
  • Potatos
  • Carrots
  • Nether warts
  • Cocoa Beans

The drops are random! Just like if you were to break it with your hand you would get the same amount. Random amounts of seeds, carrots, potatos, and even poisonous potatos! In the new update I added it so you can have the crops drop anything you want, and how ever many you want!

How to use

When you right click the crop with a hoe, the crop should break, replant itself, and give you the crop it broke. Simple as that!

How to install

  1. Stop your server
  2. Put EasyCrops.jar in your 'plugins' folder
  3. Start your server
  4. Make sure it is working by testing a crop. (Make sure you have permission)


  • easycrops.reload Allows someone to reload the plugin with /easycrops
  • easycrops.wheat Allows someone to use wheat
  • easycrops.potato Allows someone to use potato
  • easycrops.carrot Allows someone to use carrot
  • easycrops.netherwart Allows someone to use nether wart
  • easycrops.cocoabean Allows someone to use cocoa bean
  • easycrops.all Allows someone to use everything
  • easycrops.<crop name>.<class name> Allows more items dropped when used. Defined in the config.

Issues / New Features Ideas

There are no issues reported at the moment. If you have an issue or an idea create a ticket.


    enabled: true | Can wheat be used?
    sound: true | Should there be sound when used?
    - 'WHEAT' | Must have '' and all caps
    - 'SEEDS'
    amountperm: false | Allow easycrops.wheat.Farmer?
      Farmer: 1 | Corresponds with the last setting
      AdvFarmer: 5 | Add as many classes as you want
    defaultamount: 0 | Default if no amount permission
    canuseanything: false | Can use anything more than just a hoe?
    permdenymessage: false | Should there be a perm deny message?
    denymessage: '&4You do not have permission to do that!' 
    takedurability: true | Should the hoe take damage?

Servers using EasyCrops

  • So far there are no servers! PM me if your server is using it!


Lots of coffee goes into plugin development, donating tells me I'm doing a great job and I should keep chugging that coffee!!! :D Donate here


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 27, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Nov 22, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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