Diamond counter

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

What does it do?

It counts the amount of diamonds a player mines

Using other plugins

The plugin is able to use economy, but Vault needs to be installed, but it not needed for the plugin to work.
This plugin will use Factions if it's found, also this is not needed though.

Commands & Permissions:

The plugin has one central command, diamond
You need to give at least 2 arguments when using this.
/diamond get <player>:
The default command for the plugin, it gets the amount of diamonds mined by a player.
Permission: diamond.count.get
/diamond factions <factionname>:
The Factions command, it gets the amount of diamonds mined by a faction.
Permission: diamond.count.factions
/diamond day <player> dayformat:
The day command, gets the diamonds mined by a player for a day.
Example for 3 April 2013 with player teunie_nl(me)
/diamond day teunie_nl 2013-05-3
Permissions: diamond.count.date
/diamond update check
This will send you a message about the newest updates on this plugin.
Permissions: diamond.update.check
/diamond update file
This will update the plugin to the newest version.
Permissions: diamond.update.file

Logging & Permissions

To let the plugin log the data of the player, that player needs to have the permission: diamond.count.log
If the player has the permission: diamond.count.withdraw, a certain amount of money will be taken from their (virtual) bank account.
To do this you'll need to have economy set to true in the configuration file, ecowithdraw is the amount taken when this happens.
If cancel is set to true, the mining will be canceled by the plugin should the player not have enough money.
If factionlog is set to true, the plugin will log the amount of diamonds mined for a Faction. If date is set to true, the plugin will log the amount of diamonds mined per day for a player.

Other stuff you need to know

This plugin will notify you about updates as they come out on BukkitDev, this can be disabled in the Configuration by setting update to false.
This plugin is hooked into McStats, this will collect some information about the server (OS version, Java version etc)
It's nothing too personal as you can see here, this can be disabled by changing the config for the PluginMetrics.
Thanks to Blooguy for the logo on the top of this page

Errors, suggestions or questions?

Post this in the comments.
If you have a error, please verify if it is Diamond Countercausing the error.
Then post the error here, it will always show the location of the problem, so I can have a look at it ;)
You will always get a reply when posting. A tutorial on how to read errors can be found here
If you've read this you'll know whats going wrong and you can post some important information I might need.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 24, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jun 2, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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