Dark Wand

DarkWand v1.5

- - DarkWand --

This is a DarkWand that is magic, you can cast dangerous spells! Have fun :D

Thanks all for the support on the page: Shadow Wand, my account got hacked and I am back with this account, I hope you enjoy this plugin!

If we got 600 downloads, I will make a wand for only 1 Person! Maximum spells: 7

- - Spells - -

DarkSpark - a little burst

DarkFireSpark - a little burst with fire

DarkConfuse - a little burst with Potion Effects

DarkLaunch - a little burst that launch entity's

DarkLightning - a little burst with Lightning

DarkExplode - a Explosion

DarkWave - a little trail

DarkDisappear - be invisible (or not)

DarkTeleport - throw a EnderPearl

DarkExplosionWave - a trail with explosions

DarkLeap - a dark leap

DarkEscape - a better way to escape

DarkPower - throws a snowball that explodes in more snowballs that explodes

DarkBomb - a bomb that explodes in 4/5 seconds

DarkFireball - shoot a ton of fireballs

DarkTNT - shoot a TNT block that explodes in 0,5/1 sec

DarkComet - shoot a smallfireball that explodes in fire

DarkStorm - a circle that throws a tnt block on all entity's in the radius

DarkAura - a simple aura

DarkWolf - 3 wolfs that helps you

DarkEvilLaunch - a launch full evil

DarkLevitate - grab player (a lot buggy, but works fine)

Heal - the Darks nightmare

- - Permissions - -

darkwand.command - The Permissions to use the command!

darkwand.use - The Permissions to select/cast a spell!

darkwand.cooldown.bypass - The Permission to skip the cooldown!

- - Commands - -

/darkwand - The Main command!

/darkwand help - The Help bar!

/darkwand give (Playername) - Give The Wand!

/darkwand get - Get the wand! v1.1.1

- - What you can expect in V1.6 - -

A binding system

The Easter Egg give away, because nobody send me a PM with the Easter Egg

Recoded some spells

- - Todo - -

Making Levitate less buggy (It is a lot buggy, but actually works fine)

Fixing DarkPower (missing 1 Snowball)

Let me know you'r idea!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 17, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Jan 1, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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