Custom Book

Custom Books

This project is inactive, not sure that it will work on your server, though it might

If anyone wants to use the sourcecode to continue developing or making something for themselves it can be found at

If anyone wants to continue developing this plugin for the comunity, the main contributor would have to be contacted.

What does the plugin do?

This plugin allows you to make unlimited custom books which you can edit to your likings. Than all players with permissions to /cb or /custombook can spawn the books using /custombook or /cb <book name>. Did I tell you that you can make unlimited different books!?! You can also have unlimited books given to players the first time they join!

To list all the commands you can perform do /cb or /cb help

Commands & Permission

User Commands

CommandDescriptionPermission Node
/cbPlugin command listNo Permission Needed
/cb list [normal/join]List registered booksNo Permision Needed
/cb <book>Gives you a bookbooks.normal.<PERMISSION>
/cb give <player name / all> <book name>Gives the selected player a bookbooks.give.<PERMISSION>
/cb reloadReloads the configuration filebooks.reload
/cb versionView info about the installed pluginNo Permission Needed
At First JoinGives a book on first joinbooks.join.<PERMISSION>

books.normal.* and books.join.* gives you permission to all books of given type, books.* gives you full permissions

<PERMISSION> is set pr book, a single book can have multiple permissions, if you for example want to give a group of books to certain ranks. There are two <permission> tags per book. The first one is for /cb <book> and /cb give, and the second one is for receiving books on first join or every join

Console Commands

/cbPlugin command list
/cb list [normal/join]List registered books
/cb give <player name / all> <book name>Gives the selected player a book
/cb reloadReloads the configuration file
/cb versionView info about the installed plugin

How to install

  • Step 1: Download this plugin. You only need this plugin there are no other requirements. (However a Permissions plugin can be usefull as this plugin has permissions for all of the commands that it has.)
  • Step 2: Put Custom Books (this plugin) into your plugin folder.
  • Step 3: Edit Books.xml after your likings
  • Step 4: Save Books.xml
  • Step 6: Profit!

Configurating the books

All books are stored in Books.xml in plugins/Books/

How to set the different contents of the book has been explained roughly in the default file. If anything is unclear, post a comment or file a ticket and it will be updated + you will have your reply

Default configuration file can be found here

How to update

  • Change the name of the Books.xml file to something else
  • Restart the server
  • Update the information from the old xml file into the new This is because many updates have more settings for each book, and if your files lack these settings, the functions will not work


2.0.0 - Complete remake, support of the newer versions of spigot and craftbukkit 2.0.1 - Merged the two configs into one, changing the format a little

For more detailed changelog click the "download" link

To do..

This info is listed in the GitHub Repository, view it there:

Known Bugs

None! :) If you have any questions are suggestions please say so in the comments

The fastest methods to get an answer: send a mail or create an issue in github


You can make everything here colored, the title, the author, and all the pages!

The way you do so is by using the normal color codes (found here: ) Then you remove the ยง and add a / on each side, this means that dark red would be /4/

How do I make enters?

The same way as the colors, but with the letter z instead


This plugin is not always updated, mainly because of prioritizing of projects. It has recently (start of 2016) been uploaded to GitHub to allow other developers to participate in the project.

Another reason is that moderators have to aprove the new versions. The latest version uploaded is: 2.2.0

I you have found any bugs or are having problems with our plugin please send xXjn1234Xx a message with the console log and all the plugin files. For faster replies, send a mail to [email protected], because I'm not on this site very frequently



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 8, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jan 9, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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