

Developed by: amhokies

This is a pretty simple, yet useful plugin. When an online player's name is said in chat, this plugin will change to a color (configurable) and add an '@' before it.

Example of ChatAt

New in Version 1.1

Configurable and random colors! The color configuration just uses the normal Minecraft color/formatting codes.
To add random colors, just put multiple colors separated by a comma. Example: §a,§b,§c

Players will receive sound notifications when their name is tagged in chat. Don't fear, though, this can be disabled for the entire server, or it can be toggled per player with a simple command (all commands are listed in the command section of this project's description). There is also a cooldown timer for sound notifications that can be changed at any time in the plugin's config.

Another small change is the addition of a command to toggle the plugin if you ever want to turn it off.


/chatat toggle - Turns the player tags in chat on and off
/chatat notify - Turns off sound notifications for the player who does the command


chatat.toggle - Permission to turn the plugin on and off with /chatat toggle
chatat.notify.toggle - Permission to turn sound notifications off with /chatat notify

If you have any issues or would like to suggest future features, please feel free to PM me or leave a comment. Enjoy!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 16, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Apr 17, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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