Build my thing

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

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This plugin allows you to play the famous "Draw my thing" game but in minecraft. You can build an infinite amount of game rooms and you can play up to 12 (configurable since 1.5).

The plugin only use one main command: /bmt

How to create a room

  1. Select an area where the builder can build his word by using /bmt p1 and /bmt p2 to select the 2 corner of the area
  2. Select the point where the players will be teleported when they join the game and when they guess a word by using /bmt spawn
  3. Create the room by using /bmt create [name]
  4. In 2.0 use /bmt setmin [arena] [number] and /bmt setmax [arena] [number] to set the min and max players of an arena
  5. You're done !

How to play

  1. To join a room simply use /bmt join [name]
  2. Once the min amount of player is reached the game will start
  • If you are the builder
    • You'll see a word in the chat, your goal is to make other players guess it. You'll recieve 2 points if someone find the word !
    • You can fly !
  • If you aren't
    • Your goal is to guess the word, type your answer in the chat. If you are the first to get the word you'll earn 3 points, else you'll only earn 1 !

You can leave the game at any time using /bmt leave


  • bmt.admin:
    • description: Allows you to create rooms and signs
    • default: op
  • bmt.default:
    • description: Allows you to play etc...
    • default: true

Config file

wordsList (String)Change this to add/remove words from the game
updateCheckerBooleanAllow the plugin to check for new versions or not
creativeModForBuilderBooleanAllow the builder to be in creative mod
timePerRoundIntegerTime to guess a word
pointsWhenWordFirstFoundIntegerPoints that the first guesser will get
pointsWhenWordFoundIntegerPoints that the other guessers will get
pointsBuilderWhenWordFoundIntegerPoints that the builder will get
timeEachPlayerBuildIntegerTime each player will be the builder


/bmtbmt.defaultDisplay the help
/bmt p1bmt.adminSet the first point to your position
/bmt p2bmt.adminSet the second point to your position
/bmt setlobbybmt.adminSet the spawn point to your position
/bmt create [name]bmt.adminCreate a room using the 2 points and the spawn point
/bmt delete [name]bmt.adminRemove a room
/bmt setmax [name] [number]bmt.adminChange the player limit of a room
/bmt setmin [name] [number]bmt.adminChange the number of players needed for a room to start
/bmt join [room]bmt.defaultJoin a room
/bmt leavebmt.defaultLeave the room
/bmt listbmt.defaultDisplay a list of all the rooms


Click here to access to the sign guide.


WoopaGaming (Outdated)

Variation Vault




AbsintoJ (Portuguese)

ShowInterview (French)

FeerBreezy (Spanish)


Fixed in 1.6

Some people are complaining about the fact that their room get deleted on reload:

Make sure that the config file is generated, if not restart the server!

To Do List

Everything in green will be implemented in the next release!

That list will be updated depending on the feedbacks I'll get.


Source Code

Want to see how this plugin was made:


Feel generous ?

Buy me a pizza!


Thanks to all the donators:

  • PikachuEXE
  • jjkrause

Special Thanks

Thanks to all the A>Nimals for helping me testing this plugin! Special thanks goes to:

  • Kany
  • Arnold~
  • MaxTheLad

Thanks to everyone who helped me testing this plugin and gave me feedbacks! Thanks to everyone who downloaded this plugin!


Plugin made by: Bassintag551


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 17, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Apr 28, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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