Better Associations

Better Associations

Better Associations is a plugin designed to help associate different minecraft accounts based on their IP. The purpose of this mod is to stop players from using alt accounts on a minecraft server. You will be able to effectively limit the amount of accounts logging on based on ip, custom messages for banned players, and utilizing a large network to see every account the player is associated with.


- Utilizes MYSQL databases to keep track of all player information. This also allows admins to utilize the same database to share information between servers on the same machine.

- Can manually associate, disassociate, ban based on associations, look up associations, set custom messages based on reason for banning.

- In anticipation for the 1.8 update with players being able to change their name, players will be force to use the same name they had when they first logged on.

- Can manually associate and disaccosiate players to each other.

- Can find out a player's alts.

- Keep track of the amount of time a player logs on.

Web Functionality

- Currently the server has the option to connect to the global database to submit data about player info. It sends this data through an encrypted 2056 bit encryption. For now the option is disabled if you leave secret.username and secret.secretkey blank in your config.yml. If you wish to contribute data to the database to be used in the future to help identify alt accounts please private message me and I will set you up with an account. All information is sent to

Config Options

sql.hostname: Ip or hostname for where your mysql database is hosted.

sql.dbname: Name of the mysql database.

sql.username: Mysql username.

sql.password: Mysql password.

secret.username: The username required to access the server database. Leaving this blank will stop any attempt of connectivity.

secret.secretkey: The password required to access the server database. Leaving this blank will stop any attempt of connectivity.


/associateplayer <main player> <acounts>: associates accounts to the main player.

/disassociate <main player> <account>: disassociates accounts from the main player.

/getalts <player>: gets the alts of a player.

To do
  • Create Ban Manager
    • Create config option for custom messages depending on the kind of ban
    • Ban based on having an alt banned
    • Ban based on having too many alts
  • Limit the amount of accounts that can log on at once based on ip.
  • Create an admin chat
  • Allow admins to create notes about players to keep track of their activity.
  • Create a system for creating files with detailed information on a player.
  • Warn admins when a new player joins
    • Config option that tells admins when a player has joined while only having x amount of time played
  • Launch website.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 3, 2014
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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