

BasicBukkit is a plugin made for creating functional Minecraft servers, more easily, suggested by the name, "Basic-Bukkit". BasicBukkit is an easy alternative to plugins like Essentials and ChatCommands, with new functions such as Dynamic MOTDs, Join/Leave Messages, and even an advanced mailing system.

Commands and Permissions

/msg - Aliases: /message, /pm, /txt, /text, /send

Description: Send a player a private message.

Permissions: basics.msg- To Message | basics.msg.format- To be able to color and format your messages.

/destroy -

Aliases: /break

Description: Break the block you are looking at.

Permissions: basics.destroy- To Use :)

/eat -

Aliases: /food, /feast, /feed

Description: Satiate Your Hunger

Permissions: To feed yourself. | Not to eat others, but to feed others.

/fly -

Aliases: None

Description: Toggle your flying ability.

Permissions: Ability to toggle own fly mode. | Ability to toggle others' fly mode.

/gamemode -

Aliases: /gm

Description: Switch through gamemodes.

Permissions: basics.gamemode- Toggle own gamemode. | basics.gamemode.others- Toggle others' gamemode.

/hat -

Aliases: None

Description: Puts the item you're holding in your helmet slot.

Permissions: basics.hat- Set own hat. | basics.hat.others- Set another person's hat.

/heal -

Aliases: /health, /heart, /hearts

Description: Heals a player.

Permissions: basics.heal- Heals yourself. | basics.heal.others- Heals other players as well.

/pos -

Aliases: /position, /getpos, /find, /whereis, /where

Description: Finds the position of a player.

Permissions: basics.pos- Finds your own position. | basics.pos.others- Finds the position of other players as well.

/kill -

Aliases: /die, /murder

Description: Kills a player.

Permissions: basics.kill- Kills yourself. | basics.kill.others- Kills other players. | Prevent you from being killed using /kill.

/god -

Aliases: None

Description: Makes a player invincible.

Permissions: basics.god- Sets your own god mode. | basics.god.others- Sets another player's god mode.

/announce -

Aliases: /broadcast, /say, /speak

Description: Broadcasts a messages to the server.

Permissions: basics.announce- Announces a message.

/clear -

Aliases: /empty

Description: Clears a player's inventory.

Permissions: basics.clear- Clears your own inventory. | basics.clear.others- Clears another player's inventory. | Prevents your inventory from being cleared by /clear.


Aliases: /inventory

Description: See a modify a player's inventory.

Permissions: basics.inv- See and modify somebody's inventory. | Prevents players from opening your inventory.


Aliases: /boot

Description: Kick a player from the server.

Permissions: basics.kick- Kick a player. | Make it so you can not be kicked.


Aliases: None

Description: Shoot an arrow.

Permissions: basics.arrow- Give permission to shoot an arrow.


Aliases: /nickname, /nick

Description: Give a player a new name.

Permissions: basics.nick- Be able to nickname yourself. | basics.nick.others- Be able to nickname other people. | basics.nick.color- Be able to nickname people with color codes. (&6, etc.)


Aliases: None

Description: Teleport to the spawn of the world, set by /setspawn.

Permissions: basics.spawn- Be able to teleport to spawn.


Aliases: None

Description: Set the spawn for players to teleport to with /spawn.

Permissions: basics.setspawn- Be able to set the world spawn.


Aliases: None

Description: Pay another player money from your own balance.

Permissions: Be able to pay players.


Aliases: /eco

Description: The command which allows you to add, take, and set money in a player's balance.

Permissions: basics.economy- Basic admin use of the economy.


Aliases: /bal, /money

Description: Tells the sender their current balance.

Permissions: basics.balance- Check your balance. | basics.balance.others- Check another player's balance.

/basics reload

Aliases: /basic reload

Description: Reloads the config file.

Permissions: basics.reload- Reload the config file.


Aliases: None

Description: Sets a warp that a player can teleport to.

Permissions: basics.setwarp- Set a warp. | basics.setwarp.overwrite- Overwrite an existing warp.


Aliases: None

Description: Teleports you to a warp.

Permissions: basics.warps- Ability to teleport to all warps. | basics.warps.<warp>- Ability to teleport to a specific warp. | basics.warps.others- Ability to make other players teleport to a warp. | Prevents yourself from being warped by another players | basics.warps- Gives you permission to warp to any warp.


Aliases: None

Description: Kicks all players off the server except for the sender.

Permissions: basics.kickall- Lets you kick all players. | Prevents yourself from being kicked when /kickall is executed. (If executed from console, it stills kicks them)


Aliases: /skull

Description: Gives you a head of a certain player.

Permissions: basics.head- Lets you receive heads of players using /head.


Aliases: None

Description: The main command for the mailing system.

Permissions: basics.mail- Permission for use of the mailing system | basics.mail.color- Allows players to use color and formatting in their mail, otherwise all text is white.


Aliases: /r, /re, /respond

Description: Replies to the sender of the last message you received.

Permissions: Uses the same permissions as /msg.


This is important to read.

If you have not used any plugins in the mdoesmc or Sage1018 family, please read the following information: When using the configuration, DO NOT add lines to the document, DO NOT remove lines from the document. ONLY EDIT lines in the document, DO NOT change the variable type of lines, DO NOT edit anything if you don't know how, DO NOT use apostrophes when editing line, ONLY use the & color codes, such as &c or &2.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 12, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Dec 19, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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