
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


What is it?

Backpacks is a plugin that provides each player with a backpack in which they can store items. You can configure how much space each player's backpack has, as well as other aspects of the backpack, using permissions (see below). I have recently added SQL support that enables the backpacks to work cross-server if you use servers linked by bungeecord, lilypad etc. A recent addition to the plugin is that if a player with a backpack has a full inventory and they pickup an item, it goes into their backpack.


backpack.1 Sets the backpack to the size: 9x1

backpack.2 Sets the backpack to the size: 9x2

backpack.3 Sets the backpack to the size: 9x3

backpack.4 Sets the backpack to the size: 9x4

backpack.5 Sets the backpack to the size: 9x5

backpack.6 Sets the backpack to the size: 9x6

backpack.keepOnDeath Allows players to bypass the config value for dropping items on death.


User Commands

/backpack Opens the backpack you have permission for!

Admin (OP) Commands

/backpack [Player name] Opens a player's backpack.



If this is set to true the content of the players backpack will drop on death. If the player had the permission 'backpack.keepOnDeath', this would not affect them.


This is the title on the top of each backpack. On the example backpack it is "Your Backpack". You can set a title for each size of backpack (1 to 6).


Here you can define the worlds in which players cannot open their backpacks incase you have, for example, a creative world.

SQL Support Finally Here! SQL Configuration

This plugin uses Metrics

Video Tutorial - Thanks honanulu

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 9, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jul 7, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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