
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

ABANDONED! Hello! This Avalanche plugin was made when I sucked at coding Java. This is why there are many errors and such. I have abandoned this project due to me working on other programs or plugins, because I would have to redo this entire plugin, because I can't even understand my own code that well in this plugin (I made this when I was horrible at coding plugins, and it isn't using the formats that I use now). However, if many people want this plugin back, I would be glad to recreate this plugin! Just fill out the poll on the side!


CONTACT FOR ANYTHING (Suggestions, Errors, etc.): [email protected]

Can anyone make a better Avalanche logo than what is above? If so, PM me ;)

Anyone have a YouTube channel? If you make a video on this plugin, it will be on here!

How do you like the plugin??

Should I have this on my custom minigame / OP faction server, or do you want it only on your server, so people join yours? If the second one, tell us your IP, and we will post it here!

What is Avalanche

Avalanche is the first Minecraft minigame I have ever coded, suggested by Drqgon.

Avalanche is a multi-arena game where snowballs fall from the sky and you have to try to dodge them. If you get hit, you are out, and sent to the spectator area. Also, random blocks spawn in the specified section which you can use to protect yourself from falling snowballs, or they could get in your way! However, you probably will not be able to stand under a block for the entire round, as PvP is enabled (no damage though)! There are 7 rounds in the game, each 45 seconds long. In each round, snowball spawning speeds up, and block spawning (for protection) slows down! On round 7, block spawning disables, and snowballs come speeding down. If you survive all 7 rounds, there is a death match at the end with Avalanche themed armor (aqua leather chestplate, with white leather leggings and boots) along with a wooden sword and a bow. The winner is the last one standing. If all players are eliminated before round 7, the last player standing wins.

Video Tutorials

Thanks NumeroUno for making a tutorial on my plugin! - English


  • Multi-Arena - Have more than 1 arena running at the same time!
  • Easy setup - Start off with using "/avalanche create <arena>", then the chat guides you through setting up the rest!
  • Help menu - When you do "/avalanche", it shows you all the commands that YOU have access to!
  • Create join and leave signs!

Customizable Features

  • Change the area where the snowballs spawn (with WorldEdit selection)
  • Change the area where the blocks spawn (with WorldEdit selection)
  • Set the spectate area per arena
  • Set the lobby area per arena
  • Set the borders of the arena (per arena with WorldEdit selection)
  • Set the main lobby (where all the join signs are)
  • Add spawns per arena (players will randomly spawn at one of the spawns in the arena)
  • Change the block for the random block spawn (per arena)
  • Change the minimum and maximum players per arena

Admin Command Features

  • Force start an arena (shortens the arena time to 5 seconds instead of the usual 30 second countdown) - This only works if the arena has atleast 2 players (bypassing the minimum player setting)
  • Force stop an arena (kicks all players, sending them to the Avalanche main lobby)

Cool Features

  • After every round and game, all blocks are cleared!
  • If all players leave except 1, that last player is kicked as well!
  • The game saves your inventory and armor before the game (as it clears your inventory/armor when the game starts), and returns it to you after the game.
  • You CANNOT break blocks while in-game!
  • You can PvP at certain times while in-game!
  • At the end, there is a firework (star shaped, power 1, color green, fade yellow, flicker on) that is launched from the winners location!
  • If a player disconnects from the game, they are removed!
  • To list all arenas created, just do "/avalanche join" without an arena name at the end!
  • There is a death match for all of those who survive to the end of the game!
  • Each round, snowballs start spawning faster, and protection blocks start spawning slower!


  • There is no check to make sure you have everything set! So make sure you follow the "Next Step" chat messages in-game!
  • PvP in the game is automatically disabled in the arena lobby and spectate area (and right before the game starts). But when the game is running, make sure you do not have a WorldGuard (or something like that) region blocking PvP in the arena, unless you do not want players to fight in the arena.
  • Do not changing the min-player/max-player amount while the game is running/in lobby may cause errors. If you need to change it, make sure it isn't running by force stopping it
  • Inventory/Armor saving glitches - Don't worry! No personal (Minecraft) items are lost in this game (I think). When you join, it saves your inventory and armor, then clears it. However, there is a glitch where the inventory actually clears, but there are still images of the item in your hotbar (but when you right click on the item, it disappears). So I recommend not having anything in your inventory in the same server/world with this minigame. However, I think it is fine to have compasses (for teleportation), player hider items, etc.


  1. Make sure you have WorldEdit installed. If you do not, it will say so in the console and the plugin will shut down.
  2. Download the latest version of Avalanche
  3. Drag into server's plugins folder
  4. Start up your server
  5. Stop your server (optional)
  6. Change the prefix in the config (optional)
  7. Restart your server (optional)
  8. Have fun!

RANDOM NOTE: To list arenas, just type "/avalanche join" without a specified arena and press enter. It will then list all arenas.



avalanche.player.* - Includes "avalanche.join", "avalanche.leave", and "avalanche.command"

avalanche.admin.* - Includes "avalanche.arena.create" and "avalanche.forcestop"

avalanche.bonus.* - Includes "avalanche.forcestart"

/avalanche join - List arenas - avalanche.join

/avalanche join <arena> - Join an arena - avalanche.join

/avalanche leave - Leave an arena - avalanche.leave

/avalanche setmainlobby - Set the main lobby of the game where you are standing - avalanche.arena.create

/avalanche create <arena> - Create an arena with the name of "<arena>" - avalanche.arena.create

/avalanche setborders <arena> - Set the borders/walls of the arena (WorldEdit) - avalanche.arena.create

/avalanche setblockspawn <arena> - Set the area where the randomized blocks will spawn in (WorldEdit) - avalanche.arena.create

/avalanche setsnowballspawn <arena> - Set the 1-block-high area where the snowballs will fall from (WorldEdit) - avalanche.arena.create

/avalanche setminplayers <arena> <number> - Set the minimum amount of players to start the arena (to start the lobby countdown of 30 seconds) - avalanche.arena.create

/avalanche setmaxplayers <arena> <number> - Set the maximum amount of players per arena - avalanche.arena.create

/avalanche addspawn <arena> - Add a spawn for the arena of where you are standing. At the beginning of the game, players will be randomly teleported to one of the spawns - avalanche.arena.create

/avalanche setlobby <arena> - Set the lobby for the arena based on your current location - avalanche.arena.create

/avalanche setspectate <arena> - Set the spectate for the arena based on your current location - avalanche.arena.create

/avalanche setblock <arena> <material> - Set the block that will randomly spawn in the blockspawn area during the game (the material may have spaces in it, as they will all be replaced automatically with underscores when you press enter. Also, it is NOT case sensitive) - avalanche.arena.create

/avalanche delete <arena> - Delete an arena with the specified name - avalanche.arena.create

/avalanche forcestart <arena> - Force start an arena (unless player count is less than 2, or arena is already running) - avalanche.forcestart

/avalanche forcestop <arena> - Force stop an arena (unless arena is not running) - avalanche.forcestop

How to create an arena

  • Before this, make sure you have a main lobby and you set it with "/avalanche setmainlobby"
  1. Build an arena
  2. Build a spectate area
  3. Build a lobby
  4. Create the arena: /avalanche create <arena>
  5. Set the borders: Select walls with WorldEdit wand, do /avalanche setborders <arena>
  6. Set the area for the randomized block spawning: Select area (not including walls) with WorldEdit wand, do /avalanche setblockspawn <arena>
  7. Set the snowball spawn 1-block-high area: Select area (not including walls) with WorldEdit wand, do /avalanche setsnowballspawn <arena>
  8. Set the minimum amount of players for that game: /avalanche setminplayers <arena> <amount>
  9. Set the maximum amount of players for that game: /avalanche setmaxplayers <arena> <amount>
  10. Add a few spawns for the game: Stand where you want it to be, /avalanche addspawn <arena>
  11. Set the lobby for the arena: Stand where you want it to be, /avalanche setlobby <arena>
  12. Set the spectate location for the arena: Stand where you want it to be, /avalanche setspectate <arena>
  13. Set the randomized spawn BLOCK: /avalanche setblock <arena> <material>
  14. Create a Join sign in the main lobby (optional)
  15. Create a Leave sign in the game lobby (optional)

Join Signs

To create:

Template to creating a Join Sign

For example:

Example of creating a Join Sign


What the result of creating a Join Sign is

Leave Signs

To create:

Template to creating a Leave Sign


What the result of creating a Leave Sign is

To Do

I don't know! To request: Comment below, PM me, email me (link under the picture above), or post a ticket!

CONTACT FOR ANYTHING (Suggestions, Errors, etc.): [email protected]


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 9, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Sep 15, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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