
Auto Equipment Enchant

This plugin allows equipment to automatically gain enchantments as they are used. A 'use' is defined differently for each item:

  • Tools (pickaxe, shovel, axe) - by destroying blocks
  • Weapons (sword, bow) - by damaging enemies
  • Armour (helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots) - by being damaged by enemies


The chance for each item to gain an enchant per 'use' is configurable. The default values are set to allow around 2 enchantments on average, with the exception of gold items, which should get around 4 on average. The actual value in the configuration is a chance, out of 100, of an enchantment being gained per 'use'.


There are currently no permissions, but if it is required that only certain players can auto-enchant, then I can implement this.


When Minecraft updates, the enchantments may change, and it may take a little while before I can push through the new enchantments. However, the plugin should work fine. If an issue does occur, let me know and I will update ASAP.

The Future Of This Project

I have now started university, so my time is now much more limited than before. This, along with a severe drop in my Minecraft activity, means that my updates may be infrequent (more so than usual). I am not sure what is going to happen, whether I will be able to continue working on this or not. And of course, as a student, my funds are limited so I will have to look for a job at some point, which will limit my time even further.


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