

AutoResponse is an easily configurable alternative to answering the same user questions over and over.
One has the option to add either an exact trigger, which will scan user messages for an exact phrase, or add the default trigger which will scan each message for key words.
AutoResponse is equipped with a number of actions which you can use in your responses, such as %kick%, %blind% and %mobattack%. Numerous actions can be used per response, all response actions can be used in conjunction with each other, and the normal text response still applies.
1. Download the .jar
2. Place the .jar in your plugins directory
3. Restart the server
 • /AutoResponse [reload/help/actions] - View menus / reload config
 • /Triggers [-e] - List triggers
 • /AddTrigger [-e] - Add a trigger
 • /DelTrigger [-e] <#> - Delete a trigger

Adding a trigger:
To add a trigger, the format is as follow:
 • /addtrigger This is my trigger > %kick% and this is a kick
Now, when a user says a sentence which contains all the words in the trigger, it will execute the response.
In this case, the auto-responder will kick the user with the kick message 'and this is a kick' Alternatively, put actions like %kick% at the end of your response if you'd like the autoresponse to say something first.
Example: /addtrigger This is my trigger > How's this for a response? %slay%

Reponse Actions:
 • %servercmd% - Execute a command as console (no /)
 • %playercmd% - Execute a command as player (no /)
 • %kick% - Kick the player
 • %ban% - Ban the player
 • %slay% - Kill the player
 • %shock% - Shock the player
 • %ignite% - Ignite the player
 • %mobattack% - Assasinate the player
 • %blind% #s - Blind the player for time specified [m/s]
 • %confuse% #s - Confuse the player for time specified [m/s]
 • %poison% #s - Poison the player for time specified [m/s]
 • %message% <message> - Send the user a private message
 • %broadcast% <message> - Broadcast a message to the server
 • %player% - Will always be replaced with the player's name
PublicResponse: Broadcast response to server or just player
HideTrigger: Hide the sentence containing the trigger
ResponsePreface: Format how you wish the response to appear
Permissions: - View the menu/s
AutoResponse.add - Add triggers
AutoResponse.list - List triggers
AutoResponse.delete - Delete triggers
AutoResponse.exempt - Exempt from triggering responses

                                                        Thankyou for your support! :D Change-Log:
- Fixed NPE if /deltrigger <#> is beyond the range of triggers
- Added short delay to response (half a second)
- Updated ServerCmd/PlayerCmd/Ban/Kick to allow a response before instance of %action% <actions parameter>
- Added colour & formatting to responses
- Added HideTrigger to config
- Added %poison% to response actions
- Changed colour codes to conform to minecraft colour codes standard
- Fixed ar/autoresponse alias
- Strip punctuation from standard (not exact) triggers
- Addded %shock% to actions
- Updated for 1.3
- Initial Creation

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  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 26, 2012
  • Last Released File
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