Aurora Enchantments

Aurora Enchantments


Aurora Enchantments
Aurora Enchantments

This plugin implements custom Enchantments FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE

IMPORTANT: this plugin requires my LAE API 1.0.1+ to work

This Plugin supports Spigot
Now Plugin supports 1.8+!!

Adding the Plugin to your server:

- Download the Plugin
- Download the LAE API
- NOT REQUIRED - Download the TitleSender plugin
- Put those files in your plugins folder
- Start the server or reload it if it was already started.


You can set if the enchantments are enabled on mobs and if they're enabled on players. (default true both)
You can set the permission to use the custom enchantments. (default ae.use.enchants)
Adding custom enchantments is very easy with this Plugin.
You can add two types of custom enchantment:
- Effect Enchantment (like Poison, Wither, Strength etc...)
- Lightning Enchantment (strikes a lightning)
- Fireball Enchantment (throws a fireball) (from AuroraEnchantments v1.1.0+)
- Rage Enchantments (increases your damage for one hit) (from AuroraEnchantments v2.0+)
You can customize your enchantments as you want:
- You can set the percentage of the enchant to apply (Effect and Lightning and Rage Enchantment)
- You can set the type of effect of the enchant (Effect Enchantment only)
- You can set the level of the effect of the enchant) (Effect Enchantment only)
- You can set the duration of the effect of the enchant (Effect Enchantment only)
- You can set the explosion power of the enchant (Fireball Enchantment only)
- You can set titles and subtitles when enchant applies (Every type of Enchantment - Works only with TitleSender plugin installed)
Just open the config.yml file in AuroraEnchantments folder and modify it or add new ones.
When the config.yml file is created it has already few custom enchantments so you see how to add other ones.
(You can delete the default custom enchantments)


You can set, from the file worlds.yml or even in-game, the worlds where the custom enchantments doesn't apply even if the percentage is 100. This is why, Lightning Enchantment, strikes a lightning and does damage even if it is Safe-Zone or Region claimed. This isn't a bug of the Plugin but a bug of the Plugin that implements the Safe-Zone and the other that implements Regions.

Enchanting by Signs & Vault Dependancy

On the config, you can enable the "enable-enchant-sign" option. (Setting false to true). However to create buyable enchantments you must have in your server the Vault plugin for economy management.

Commands & Permissions

/ae list Shows a list of all available custom enchantments. ae.list
/ae enchant <name> Enchants the item in your hand with the specified enchant name. ae.enchant
/ae world add <name> Adds to the disabled worlds the world <name>
/ae world rem <name> Removes from the disabled worlds the world <name>
/ae reload Reloads the config file and the worlds file. ae.reload
Using enchantments If the player has the permission he can use custom enchantments. If not he can't. ae.use.enchants (can change this perm from config)
Sign place The player with this permission can place sign for enchanting the item in your hand with right clicking it.
Sign use The player with this permission can enchant the item in his hand through a precedently created sign. ae.sign.use


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 1, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Sep 12, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License

