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Horse Spawn Egg Notice

Some people have been stating that the spawn egg is not craftable. I have tried on the newest 1.8.3 version and it is working. Please firstly check that it is enabled in config as it is the only option that is disabled by default

What this plugin does

A plugin which lets you craft horse armor, nametags, saddles and now horse spawn eggs.

Here's a GIF of the recipes:

ArmorSaddles recipes


Feel like I deserved a cookie, want me to keep saving for college (still quite young sadly), or to keep me working on the plugin (maybe some new ones too, always up for a suggestion) and away from my social life? Well you can donate and help me keep going. Anyone who donates can have their name and/or server/website address displayed below:

So far on the wall of fame:


Current showcases

Problems or issues

If you have any problems with the plugin feel free to submit a ticket or pm me, and we can arrange a Skype chat or I can go on the server and try help with it

For those who are updating from 1.0 to the new version please be aware that you need to manually delete the old file as the new version will not remove it (different names, reason for that is my original filename couldn't get uploaded). Don't worry from here on though I will make sure it will stay as the same name

Small tutorials on how to test plugins will be done later.

Other plugins


Glad to see so many people using my plugin! :D Hopefully more to come, and I thank you so much for having it enabled. If you want to disable it, then tutorial can be found here: Disable plugin metrics


Test Server

LethalHosting has kindly provided one of its awesome servers to assist me in testing my plugins. Big thanks to them, and I will try make it public in the days to come


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 21, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Apr 12, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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