Anti Creeper

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Anti Creeper

Anti Creeper is a perfect plugin for people who have a server no matter what the size because it will stop creepers from spawning so you don't have to worry about them. It is a plugin that stop's creepers from blowing up all you valuable hard earned building and killing you. Have a go its is a pretty simple yet effective plugin for craft-bukkit. Always remember though that creepers are people too even though they just want to give you a hug you will remember for a long time. With this plugin you will never see a mutant human again. This will also be useful for you because you don't need to repair that annoying hole in your castle wall. We all know that creepers just want to have fun playing with the others but the lack the social skills to handle frustration. This plugin can stop that so you don't have any of those 'special kids' walking around any more. I have a friend who when he first started a server he made a big bucket of lava. What happened is a few of those 'special kids' came along and blew the thing up. He then asked me to make this plugin to stop that.


The main feature of this plugin is that it kills creepers from the start. Not allowing them to even spawn which is a real benefit because some of the plugins that defuse creepers do not always work, so you still might have massive holes in your world. With this plugin you can't have those massive holes any more.


You install this plugin by dragging the zip file into your plugins folder that right clicking on it. Then you find the thing that says extract files. When you do this you take the .jar files out of the folder that appears and put them into your plugins folder too. There is another way though just open the zip file and move the folder and jar to your plugins directory. This is my first plugin and the one that I will try and maintain the most.

Config File

The config file is pretty simple to code all you need to do is put a hyphen then the world name you want to disable creepers in. If you want creepers in a world just take away the world from the trueworlds area.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 10, 2011
  • Last Released File
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