Animal Lock

Animal Lock

A large problem on my server since horses came out was players were taking each other's horses, and other animals. This plugin lets you "claim" or "lock" animals, which will prevent other players from interacting with them.

I wanted to get this beta version out as fast as I could so servers could prevent players from stealing horses. Due to this reason, there are a couple main features that have not been included yet. The ability to unlock horses, and to limit how many animals players can lock have not been implemented yet but are planned for the next update.

Note on Horse's Inventories

Animal Selector will deny you from shift right-clicking an animal. Most users have reported this however there is an easy way to overcome this. Instead of shift right-clicking the horse, simply ride the horse and then press your inventory key.

In the future I'll hopefully come up with a clever way to prevent this minor conflict, but for now just use the alternative method of opening a horse's inventory. ;)

Installation Instructions

  • Download the latest version of Animal Lock and place it in your server's plugin folder.
  • Also download the compatible version of Animal Selector and place it in your server's plugin folder.
  • Restart or completely reload your server.
  • Enjoy! (Adjust configuration options if necessary.)


/a - Shows the command help page.

/a lock [animallock.lock] - After selecting a living entity by holding sneak and right clicking, type this command to lock the animal only to you.

/a unlock [animallock.unlock] - After selecting a entity, type this command to unlock the animal.

In the future, I have plans to let animals have other owners, permissions support, and more.

Support the Development!


I put hours of work into Animal Lock as a learning experience and hobby. If you enjoy using Animal Lock, please consider supporting the development and donating to keep the plugin going. Thanks!



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 7, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Aug 30, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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