Search results for 'WorldGuard'

Project Owner Updated
Adds timesaving macros for WorldGuard and World Edit
_ForgeUser7406691 --
Adds flags to WorldGuard to modify the chat for players that are in a specific region
_ForgeUser9768154 --
A schematic manager that makes saving and loading the states of WorldGuard regions easy.
_ForgeUser6967060 --
Keep specific WorldGuard regions loaded
_ForgeUser9768154 --
Set a respawn location for any WorldGuard region
_ForgeUser9768154 --
Command-based system allowing your players to buy or rent WorldGuard regions.
_ForgeUser6943922 --
Block currently PvP fighting players from accessing WorldGuard regions and given commands (configurable!)
_ForgeUser8287664 --
Protect buildings automaticly whilest building, with WorldGuard regions.
_ForgeUser8228390 --
Bukkit plugin for moving a WG region along with all regions inside it.
_ForgeUser6943922 --
Restricts WorldEdit to WorldGuard regions
_ForgeUser12347463 --
WorldGuard Extra Flags
_ForgeUser7627970 --
Make commands usable only in certain WorldGuard regions!
_ForgeUser10786358 --
A WorldGuard addon that makes USE flag more strict. Support IndustrialCraft2 and some Forge mod.
secret_ --
WorldGuard support for WDLCompanion
phijkchu_Pokechu22 --
Give players rewards for being afk in worldguard regions!
IncbomTV --