Search results for 'PvP'

Project Owner Updated
_ForgeUser9639374 --
Who is the PvP Champ?
_ForgeUser10243642 --
FPS-style PvP. Revolutionized.
_ForgeUser6870751 --
_ForgeUser9854977 --
_ForgeUser10428505 --
SimplePVP - A simple PvP plugin
_ForgeUser10263114 --
pvpDrop gives you full control over what happens when someone dies!
EvilKanoa --
Fish Slap is a PvP type plugin that lets you use a fish to slap other players out of arenas and to their death!
_ForgeUser10559683 --
Makes it so that when you right click with a hoe, you shoot snowballs
_ForgeUser9373074 --
PvP Health
_ForgeUser10407611 --
Allows players to challenge other players to pvp battles for money
_ForgeUser9373074 --
The best plugin for kits pvp servers
_ForgeUser10694267 --
An add-on for the Towny Advanced plugin to allow non-grief PVP
_ForgeUser9901297 --
A PVP and Events Manager
_ForgeUser7322285 --
With Emerald in hand, use /kit to receive a pvp kit
_ForgeUser10964713 --
A minigame where players shear sheep for a certain time, and then PVP turns on. Last man standing wins!
_ForgeUser11017314 --
Based off of Sethbling's DeathSwap minigame for Minecraft
_ForgeUser10876275 --
When you wear a specific armor color, you can have certain potion effects while in PvP!
_ForgeUser10322297 --
A lightweight Deathmatch plugin inspired by Hungergames
_ForgeUser8418906 --
Fun 4 team pvp plugin with shop an spawners
_ForgeUser8286802 --
Hated it when people drop lava on others to kill them in a non PVP area? This is your fix!
_ForgeUser9452003 --
SpecialSoup - A soup plugin for PvP servers
Krymonota --
A mod that disables the /tp command. Used for little-PvP-servers.
thatlittlegitt --
PvP until you can't PvP anymore
_ForgeUser8688338 --
A pvp plugin that allows players to fight each other while they rank up and buy their equipment for later battles
_ForgeUser10385951 --