Search results for 'Vault'

Project Owner Updated
Now with Vault!
_ForgeUser7916812 --
Need to store players items in a personal chest? Well god vault does just that
_ForgeUser12290080 --
Provides chat variables and economy to vault from the scoreboard.
TavernFire --
Get paid (economy money through Vault) for mining certain ores.
_ForgeUser14079381 --
An extension for SwiftApi that allows VaultAPI remote procedure calls
_ForgeUser1306631 --
A CustomEnchant Plugin With Vault And Sign Support.
_ForgeUser20110434 --
Shop plugin that allows you to sell ores in exchange for money via the vault api
emoryandrewtate_ --
Bridges plugins using the economy plugin Register to the newer economy plugin Vault.
_ForgeUser6858708 Jan 11, 2012
The Slot Machine Plugin for All!
sirtylerm Jan 26, 2012
Lets players pay for comamnds - uses Vault.
_ForgeUser7575757 Mar 1, 2012
buy a home with this plugin
_ForgeUser8271238 Mar 30, 2012
Define plots for players on your server to either claim or buy. Vault economy support!
_ForgeUser9292566 Sep 6, 2012
A Votifier listener class used to reward voters with currency that uses Vault as an interface to a variety of economy plugins.
mrfrelling Oct 16, 2012
Jayza Oct 27, 2012
paid 2 two mine 3 pay ore mining vault money economy
_ForgeUser8229158 Nov 10, 2012
Pay salary to online groups and players (uses vault to accept many economies and permissions plugins)
_ForgeUser7173981 Nov 16, 2012
Easy to install plugin providing multiple home teleports, with Vault support
_ForgeUser8402331 Dec 9, 2012
An easier way to change groups/ranks. [PermissionsEx]
ELCHILEN096 Feb 11, 2013
A small plugin to provide chat formatting to IRC and game messages using SimpleIRC and Vault
_ForgeUser6967060 Mar 13, 2013
Easy transportation via minecarts with vault support
_ForgeUser812423 May 17, 2013
[CDT] is a plugin for vault and essentials that adds a configurable price per-block between warp distances and the player
_ForgeUser6960486 Aug 12, 2013
GriefPreventionFlags - Vault is an extension plugin that hooks economy into GriefPreventionFlags
_ForgeUser9460195 Oct 1, 2013
mcMMO and Vault GUI
_ForgeUser8034683 Dec 18, 2013
Vault Benchmark
_ForgeUser8689557 Jan 3, 2014
A multiverse aware Vault based economy
_ForgeUser9446675 Feb 10, 2014