Gamemode based permissions #170

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser1494830
  • _ForgeUser7180937 created this issue Oct 31, 2014

    It would be GREAT to have a feature that either allows you to give permissions based on what gamemode a player is on or remove/deny permissions based on the gamemode.

    Example of usage:

    I made a plugin where everyone can have their own world and whitelist people on it but the problem is that for example a certain group has WorldEdit permissions and even tho they are not allowed to build on certain worlds they are not whitelisted on they could still go and use WorldEdit. The way i currently handle this is by restricting the players from joining the worlds they arent whitelisted on but i would rather handle this with a spectating feature.So my idea was to put those people who are not whitelisted on a certain world to adventure mode and zPermissions would automatically deny all WorldEdit permissions while he is in adventure gamemode.

    I hope you see the reason why such a feature would be appropriate.

    Thanks in advance


  • _ForgeUser7180937 added the tags New Enhancment Oct 31, 2014
  • _ForgeUser7180937 edited description Oct 31, 2014
  • _ForgeUser7180937 posted a comment Nov 11, 2014


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