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###What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?
I propose an enhancement to bring the settemp command found in /perm player over to /perm group.
It might look and feel something like this: /perm group premium settemp -t 1800 server.factions.doublexp true
settemp using the built-in Bukkit support for temporary permissions.
Since Bukkit has no native support of groups (that's what permissions plugins are for after all), this naturally doesn't apply to groups. Although conceivably, it would be easy to make your suggested command apply Bukkit temporary perms only to players who are currently online who are in that group.
Though this has a lot of potential for confusion, namely: people who log in after you've issued the command won't have the permission. This includes people who were online but then logged out and then back in.
That's just a general limitation of Bukkit temporary perms.
zPerms however supports temporary memberships which is a bit more robust. See this doc if you haven't already read it.
Otherwise, there's currently no plan to add any other type of temp permission functionality.
Thanks for the reply.
I saw this feature in PEX and thought I'd ask. I did indeed take a look at how zPermissions implemenets player-based setttemp using addAttachment(), however, I did also notice that temporary memberships were handled without any built-in Bukkit mechanism so I thought the same could apply here.
Adding this feature through an external plugin should be easy enough, but I wanted to make sure you had no intentions of adding this. I mainly want to do this so that I can let my players enjoy server-wide perks varied by group.
Thanks again for the reply, I will seek an external solution. Keep up the great work!
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