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EssentialsChat interfaces directly with ZPermissionsService, so it bypasses all of the recent additions to the Vault implementation (vault-player-prefix-format etc).
Not very likely to get Essentials to use Vault, so a possible solution would be to pull all the prefix/suffix logic into its own method in ZPermissionsService.
Might also consider overriding getPlayerMetadata() and re-directing to new methods if fetching "prefix" or "suffix." Make this an option so it does not affect other chat plugins.
Hey Zeroth when this bug solved please?
@xeom33: Go
Most likely after the UUID update. What zPermissions option are you not able to use with EssentialsChat?
Build #538+ has this. The new option is called service-metadata-prefix-hack and is currently hidden.
Simply add to config.yml:
service-metadata-prefix-hack: true
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