ZombieZone is an extensive zombie combat minigame, not unlike CombatArms Quarantine mode or Call of Duty MW3 Infection. Add an exciting and addicting style of gameplay to your server!
- Users log in to the lobby, and can type /zz join to register to play in the next round
- Once the minimum number of players needed to start the round has been reached, a startgame countdown begins
- When the countdown reaches zero, players are warped to the player spawn and have a configurable amount of time to build bases
- Once building time is up, a configurable percentage of players are selected at random to become zombies or medics
- Combat begins - the zombies' goal is to infect all humans (once infected, only a medic's touch can cure a player), turning them into zombies, while the humans' goal is to kill off the zombie horde.
- If time runs out before one of the groups has defeated the other, the humans win as they have survived the onslaught.
- Players receive currency based on their performance during the round, and this money can be used to buy kit upgrades in future games.
- Lots of customization - you can tailor gameplay to your liking
- SQL database containing players' funds and kill stats, as well as server statuses (perfect for a Cloud setup!)
- Zombies are given a compass that points to the nearest human target
- Configurable percentages of players are chosen as zombies and medics each round
- Spectators can observe gameplay while invisible to (and unable to interact with) those playing in the round
- Zombies can either spawn at a fixed spawn (which can be set using an in-game command) or can spawn within a configurable number of blocks of a randomly chosen player
- Kit shop API: kits (both for players and zombies) can be customized and can be purchased with money earned from combat
- The colors of the names over players' heads change depending on the players' classes
Hey dude all i ask is if you make it so we can make buy door signs signs that you click to join the lobby signs for items mystery box stuff like call of duty natzi zombies oh and i cna be a beta tester if you would like and i can make a how to use this for you so if you need me just write me back
When will the download be availiable
Amazing plugin. Can not wait for the download. Could I be a beta tester?
Hi, I would love to see this plugin working! Keep going!
For the time being, this page is proof-of-concept only; no download will be available.
If you read it says in planning stage
so how exactly am i supposed to download it if theres no download link?