Welcome to ZombieVsPlayer
This is the main page for version 2.0 and above for older documentation visit this page.
About this Plugin
ZombieVsPlayer or ZvP is a round based mini game in which you can fight against zombies. Alone or with friends, all is possible! ZvP is equipped with a lot of different features, such as an item shop, an appealing scoreboard and the high adaptability independently for each single arena. You can also run more than one game simultaneously. Want some gameplay first? No problem. Just watch here.
ZvP makes use of the MCStats project which sends some statistics to their network. You can disable it in the config file if you want.
- random or custom spawn locations
- highly configurable
- easy, normal and hard mode
- optional spawn protection
- optional pre lobby
- inbuilt shop system
- optional Vault economy integration
- scoreboard statistics
- Open Source
- under active development
Options in the Main config File.
Options in the Arena config files.
Kit Configuration
The Kit system provides two standard kits but you can also add your own. Starter kits can be chosen individually on game start or can be disabled completely. Kits can be disabled in their config file.
6 little steps to add your own Kit:
- Clear your Inventory or at least make some space for your kit.
- Put your kit together, enchant it, improve it how you like.
- Add an item, that represents, your kit to your inventory. It will be used as an icon.
- Type /zvp addkit [Name of your kit here] in your chat window.
- Put your kit in the appearing inventory and close it.
- Put the icon item in next Inventory and close it.
How to remove kits:
- Type /zvp list kits in your chat window to list all kits.
- Type /zvp removekit [kitname] in your chat window.
Notice that you can only remove custom kits! But you can disable or edit them in the config file
Shop Configuration
ZvP provides a default set of items which can be fully modified.
The shop configuration is structured into two parts:
- The Item configuration file
- The Sign setup
Sign Configuration
ZvP use signs for several things.
- Join a game
- Display information about arenas
- Shop interaction
Language Configuration
ZvP can manage all kinds of languages.
Look here for an detailed Language Setup.
Currently available language files provided by ZvP are:
- English
- German
- Hungarian
- Spanish (by zuhir)
If you want your language in the plugin, translate it
and send the file per e-mail to: [email protected]
or Create a pull request on Github
You will be listed here as a Translator.
Arena/Lobby Setup
How to setup Arenas:
- Type /zvp add arena in your chat window. You will receive the ZvP tool.
- Left- and Right click the lowest and highest position. These two positions are the corner points. These will establish an rectangle sized arena. Make sure this points are INSIDE the arena!
- Customize the arena by editing the arena configuration.
How to setup polygon sized/circular Arenas:
- Type /zvp add arena polygon in your chat window. You will receive the ZvP tool.
- Left- or Right click every corner of the arena. You can compare it with the polygon selection in WorldEdit. Make sure this points are INSIDE the arena!
- Finish your selection with /zvp add arena finish or clear the selection and start from the beginning with /zvp add arena clear
- Customize the arena by editing the arena configuration.
How to setup custom spawn locations:
- Type /zvp add position in your chat window
- Go to your arena
- Click the locations where your spawns should be
- Type /zvp reload to reload the plugin
How to setup a Arena PreLobby:
A PreLobby is an extra Lobby between the Lobby and the Arena. All Players wait there together, choose their kits and join into the arena at the same time.
- Go to your PreLobby position. The PreLobby has to be in the same world and should not be included by the arena region!
- Type /zvp add [Arena-ID] preLobby
- To add PreLobby positions type /zvp add [Arena-ID] preLobbyPosition at your desired location.
- Type /zvp reload to reload the configuration.
How to setup Lobbys:
One Lobby can hold (theoretical) infinite Arenas. A Lobby can be a Room or a platform or anything else.
- Go to the Place your lobby would fit.
- Type /zvp add lobby in your chat window.
Command | Description | Permission |
/zvp | Display all Commands | zvp.help |
/zvp status | Display the arena status | zvp.status |
/zvp update | Update the plugin | zvp.update |
/zvp list | Display zvp items | zvp.status |
/zvp reload | Reload ZvP | zvp.reload |
/zvp addkit [kitname] | Add [kitname] to the kits | zvp.manage.kit |
/zvp removekit [kitname] | Remove [kitname] from the kits | zvp.manage.kit |
/zvp add arena | Get the tool to add Arenas | zvp.manage.arena |
/zvp remove arena [Arena-ID] | Remove Arena [Arena-ID] | zvp.manage.arena |
/zvp add lobby | Add lobby at your Location | zvp.manage.lobby |
/zvp remove lobby [Lobby-ID] | Remove Lobby [Lobby-ID] | zvp.manage.lobby |
/zvp leave | Leave a running game | zvp.play |
/zvp stop | Stop all Arenas | zvp.stop.all |
/zvp stop [Arena-ID] | Stop arena [Arena-ID] | zvp.stop |
- | Play the game | zvp.play |
- | Manage all sign related things | zvp.manage.sign |
Video Tutorials
made by KreatorB
made by Kor&Obi
An older video tutorial for ZvP also made by KreatorB
Other Links
ZvP Gameplay: By Kor&Obi, By Bernie P
Large ZvP Arena: Arena Schematics by KreatorB
Small ZvP Arena: Arena Schematics by KreatorB
Github: Source Code
McStats: Plugin statistics
Unapproved releases: Github releases
Other Projects:
I've made everything like you did in the video, but when i start the game the zombies won't spawn, what could be wrong?
I sent you a message
Yes I do, but when they use the sign to join, it still works.
Do you have other plugins, that can block interaction especially with signs?
Like worldguard?
Had this plugin on my server for a while, I love it. But user can't seem to use the shop signs.
Thank you
Sweet plugin!
You mean a sort of multiplier for money?
You could add a bonus for VIPs users? [zvp.vip.x(number)]
For instance::
zvp.vip.x2 zvp.vip.x3
Or at least a bonus x2
Thank you for your translation. I will include it in the next update.
My English is not perfect either. Don't worry about it.
Spanish translation By me
(Version: 2.9.1)
The translation is not 100 % accurate since I'm not an expert in English.
Sorry for my bad english
Thank you.
Yes. You can use it completely without vault and economy plugins. The shop is for ingame zvp money that you earn by killing zombies.
Great plugin!
Sorry for the Bug. The update was too big that I could not test everything. I uploaded a new Version which will fix the issue
Here the same prob. Tested 3 Versions (2.9.5, 2.9.4 & 2.7.1). We use spigot-1.8.8.
right and left click to define an arena then is display: your positions are not in the same world... what this?
Hum, seriously, if it was possible to set the location of zombie spawn it would be really perfect.
Go to bukkit he responds only there
Haha thanks a lot :) I spent ages trying to work out if right and left click set positions for different things. I also didn't realise that my minecraft panel was hiding a second page of configs from me :L This is a really great plugin tho :)