Fixing the bugs on doors #116

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser7052630
  • _ForgeUser12738555 created this issue Dec 27, 2013

    When using the door editor or barricade editor, I would prefer if you do not replace the area block with any kind of block because as you may know there are door bugs and it intendedly removes the door into a item entity.

    To fix this I suggest you either code something to fortify both door blocks as a green wool block or use a similar brush tool like world edit.

    please feel free to contact me if you want more of my ideas!

  • _ForgeUser12738555 added the tags New Enhancment Dec 27, 2013
  • _ForgeUser12738555 posted a comment Dec 30, 2013

    Why did you take off slabs stairs head and other accessory as a non-breakable! It is very unreasonable to remove it. If you do prefer it please have a node in the config that allows barricading a dooring any blocks node... AT LEAST! You are ruining your own plugin, and if this keeps up I mind as well recode your entire plugin for you.

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