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  • Uploaded
    Jul 28, 2012
  • Size
    50.94 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.2.5-R5.0


Fixed /zsa-special & /zsr-special sending "added/removed waiting area" messages
Fixed Zombies not jumping correctly
Fixed Items dropping when zombie not killed by player
Fixed arrow based deaths not rewarding points
Fixed armor/spawn items being given before game starts
Fixed dead players not getting new set of join items at new wave
Fixed stats not displaying economy deposits
Fixed stats displaying remaining players twice
Fixed remaining players including dead/spectators
Fixed usernames not clearing score count upon /leave
Fixed Config being dis-organized
Removed force-zombies
Added runner speed / default seek speed in config
Fixed games not ending if players leaves/quits after 2min countdown to reconnect
Fixed spectating/dead waiting players not being spawned back in
Fixed health and difficulty multipliers being ignore if below 1.00
Fixed purchase door sign search radius too large
Added a Fail Safe mechanism to restart threads if they error and fail.
Added new scoring system based off of damage dealt to zombie
Fixed missing commands from /zshelp
Fixed item amount on buy signs always giving 1 of item
Added Mysterybox (items configurable in config)
Fixed waiting areas not loading
Fixed not entering spectate mode when set to true and have spectate point set
Removed seperate chats
Fixed unhiding null players bug
Fixed hiding player null bug
Fixed null error on delayed player quit/kick method
Lowered kick delay time to 10 seconds for rejoin and remain in-game
Fixed new wave broadcast null error on unknown players
Fixed errors when heal signs are misconfigured
Fixed errors when purchase signs are misconfigured
Fixed on stop of server games not ending correctly
Fixed version handler throwing error if cannot find version from web
Fixed PayPlayers null error if player left before payment was due
Fixed stat signs not displaying message "joined game" if there wasn't enough players
Fixed zombies in map stat signs going to wave max between waves
Fixed zombie stats signs not counting upwards as zombies spawn, only counting down
Fixed player drops being removed if they die and not in a game
Changed server console message on player death to include name and map
Fixed null error on map resets if nothing changed
Fixed health in new wave message going above 20 (max health is 20)
Fixed /leave ending games pre-maturely
Fixed rounding issues when using economy/vault
Fixed option for empty account being ignord if player quit minecraft during game
Fixed poison being too strong of a bite effect
Fixed GamesOver() deleting another games zombies
Fixed spelling error if could not find map on a command as specificed to specified
Added new command zstp (teleports you to a game spawnpoint if OP)
Changed /zsa-lobby to /zs-create
Changed /zsr-lobby to /zs-remove and made /zs-remove require no click of block
Fixed not returning false on bad /zs-create (old /zsa-lobby) command
Added out sign removal if game doesn't exist on Stats Sign
Added wave number to stats signs
Added option to check other players stats
Added Bukkit version checking for compatibility reasons
Added zombie despawning checker.

No Permissions
Java 7 (Java 6 users will NEED to update)