YouMode (Youtuber Plugin/ Stream Plugin)

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Long Description

So this plugin basically adds a Mode called Youtube Mode. And that mode is activated using this command: /record. This mode makes it so a player's chat is disabled until they do /record again. While in this mode they're able to send out commands and read broadcast's. In the configuration you're able to change the prefix and edit what the broadcast message is when the player runs the command. Keep in mind that when its edited the players name comes at the start. So If I wrote 'has started recording' it would come up on chat as: *Players Name* has started recording. Streaming is a feature added in 2.0, it basically allows the player to broadcast that he is streaming as well when a player joins when the person is live-streaming it will notify them with a link to that live stream. Soon I will make it configurable to turn this feature off.

Everything Shown in a simpler way


- /record

- /ytreload

- /twitch

- /stream

- /youtubers

- /streamers

Configuration File

It should look something like this:

Prefix: '&3&l&n[&f&l&nYou&f&4&l&nTube&f&3&l&n]:&f' Youtuber Broadcast Enable Message: '%player Has Started recording and will not be able to answer most questions.'

Youtuber Broadcast Disable Message: '%player Has Stopped recording and will be able to answer question/msg''s'

Livestreaming Broadcast Enable Message: '%player Has started streaming his link is %link'


Youtuber/Streamer_List: - '&6Mazentheamazin:'

I think %player and %link is quite obvious. DND stands for Do Not Delete. Do not delete it or else.. Youtuber/Streamer_List Displays on /youtubers and /streamers

Permission Nodes

- youtube.record

- youtube.reload


- youtube.list


By Me

Hopefully more to come soon!

Thats pretty much it! Enjoy using this plugin!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 7, 2013
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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