YouMode (Youtuber Plugin/ Stream Plugin)
Long Description
So this plugin basically adds a Mode called Youtube Mode. And that mode is activated using this command: /record. This mode makes it so a player's chat is disabled until they do /record again. While in this mode they're able to send out commands and read broadcast's. In the configuration you're able to change the prefix and edit what the broadcast message is when the player runs the command. Keep in mind that when its edited the players name comes at the start. So If I wrote 'has started recording' it would come up on chat as: *Players Name* has started recording. Streaming is a feature added in 2.0, it basically allows the player to broadcast that he is streaming as well when a player joins when the person is live-streaming it will notify them with a link to that live stream. Soon I will make it configurable to turn this feature off.
Everything Shown in a simpler way
- /record
- /ytreload
- /twitch
- /stream
- /youtubers
- /streamers
Configuration File
It should look something like this:
Prefix: '&3&l&n[&f&l&nYou&f&4&l&nTube&f&3&l&n]:&f' Youtuber Broadcast Enable Message: '%player Has Started recording and will not be able to answer most questions.'
Youtuber Broadcast Disable Message: '%player Has Stopped recording and will be able to answer question/msg''s'
Livestreaming Broadcast Enable Message: '%player Has started streaming his link is %link'
Youtuber/Streamer_List: - '&6Mazentheamazin:'
I think %player and %link is quite obvious. DND stands for Do Not Delete. Do not delete it or else.. Youtuber/Streamer_List Displays on /youtubers and /streamers
Permission Nodes
- youtube.record
- youtube.reload
- youtube.list
I dont know why, But I discovered that you can use /recordstop to stop the record mode properly. You should include this command. It works perfectly and shows the message correctly.
The plugin does not toggle anymore it just keeps on saying the started recording message and does not re-enable chat.
This plugin doesn't disable the use of /Msg <Youtubername>, but it says that if you do msg them, they probably won't respond. :)
I can't disable it. Also, you can still /msg and the user will get it.
Yeah it wont let me disable it
The new update does not allow you to disable YM, even after discontenting...
Alright, I got that done. I am going to run a few tests for bugs then I'll upload it!
Can you make it so admins can get a list of who is has it muted, like /ym list to show who is muted, and a /ym unmute [player/all] so admins can unmute players, or all players so they can talk. Also, it would be nice so when a player logs off, the mute stops, so he/she doesnt forget. That would be sweet, thanks! '
I could. but then the update for the plugin could crash a server because they would have to delete and regenerate the config. Maybe in another config update for this plugin I would do that. I am looking to redo the config code so it doesn't glitch out the server when the config is not updated.
Cool plugin, but instead of using &f in the config just use &r (for reset)
Awesome! it was exactly what I was going for.. I am hoping to add more features to the plugin however keep the code hardware efficient as possible. On many servers I have noticed that they do not have this feature for YouTubers (As being one myself).
There are other plugins like this, but, this seems to be a simpler and more tidy one, good job.
Ha, Yeah.. I actually made a video for it. Just trying to update the description :P Now Its done.
Please add a video of it, If you want I can make one, if you can give me some credits? Check out my youtube channel ; http://www.YouTube.Com/TropicraftTutorials