Evolution of a server #36

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Assigned to nisovin
  • _ForgeUser10248129 created this issue Sep 16, 2014

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?

    > Basically, this plugin is great for little servers. It has lots of cool features and is really easy to use.
    The problems are 2:
    - Not compatible with many plugins. Vault locks up half of its functionalities even though it works with YAPP. Aside Vault, JsonAPI just doesn't recognize YAPP and my webmaster starts complaining about the lack of abilities he has to tweak the server.
    - Not suitable for big servers. I have nearly 1000 different players in my files, which is overwhelming when I need to find one player's file, especially considering that there is one file per player.

    > I have 2 solutions to suggest:
    - Either change the storage method to a one-file system (to keep things a bit like now, every folder could simply become a file).
    - Either offer a reverse-conversion system to a more wide-ranged plugin.

    Please provide any additional information below.

  • _ForgeUser10248129 added the tags New Other Sep 16, 2014

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