YAEP: Yet Another Essentials Plugin
YAEP- Yet Another Essentials Plugin
YAEP (pronounced "yep!") is a lightweight alternative to heavier "essential command" plugins like Essentials. It features a specific set of "essential" commands and utilities that really are the bare necessities for any server.
The idea behind "essentials" plugins (and YAEP) is that there are a few commands that a server operator (and players!) get very used to having, to the point where if one is playing on a regular minecraft server, the lack of the command is extremely conspicuous. A few examples that I find myself sorely missing when running vanilla Minecraft are:
- /who
- /time (day | night | etc)
- /weather (sun | rain)
- /tp
Therefore, the sorts of "homey" commands will be the target of this plugin. Things that I do not consider "essential" (yet plugins like Essentials includes, for some reason) are things like support for banning, economies, block editing (seriously?), mail, jails, etc. All of these things have very robust alternatives that are their own plugins themselves, with their own development teams that are dedicated to their problem domain. Essentially, why re-invent the wheel? (and do it in a less-robust fashion, at that?)
Hmm Pretty cool but here is this all the commands : /who /time /weather /tp Just making sure
This does sound like it will be interesting and I do agree that Essentials is very bulky for just 'the essentials'
Oh its you again Everdras :) All your plugins have been nice, I wanna try out this one too :)