SimpleAlias is a little plugin that makes you able to create aliases which execute commands or send messages. These actions can be ordered, based on certain conditions and highly customised. It also allows you to disable commands from other plugins, so you can for example enforce the usage of an alias. Every alias has its own config file where you can customise the settings!
- Creation of an infinite amount of aliases
- Aliases have several actions which are highly customisable
- Aliases have many settings for checks like cost, permission, cooldown, delay etc.
- Aliases act like normal commands so they support tab completion and /? <alias> works
- The usage of aliases can be logged
- Supports dynamic variables like <sender_name>, <world_name>, <group_name>, <faction_name> etc.
- Respects command blockage from every plugin
- Aliases can be fully edited via ingame commands
- Commands can be blocked with a message
All listed features above are referring to version 1.6.1+ of SimpleAlias!
Upcoming Features
- Customisable tab completion for alias arguments
- More action conditions
Click here to get to the wiki page where everything of SimpleAlias is explained. There are also installation tutorials and examples for setting up aliases!
If you find a bug, encounter an error or have new ideas or suggestions for this plugin feel free to create a ticket so we can react to things faster than posting it in the comments! However you can post feedback in the comments, but please use the ticket system for the things I mentioned.
The source can be found right here!
This plugin uses Metrics by BtoBastian to collect various data from servers.
If you don't want Metrics to collect your data you can disable it easily by setting enabled to false in the config file at plugins/bStats/
All the tutorials for this are well outdated, so is the help on this site! The config is messy and hard to understand. Im not using this plugin anymore.
Fixed the problem by downgrading to 1.4.2. Seems to be working fine without issues and all the unnecessary clutter 1.5.0+ has...
This plugin is ridiculous, it used to be an awesome, simple plugin that just worked, now none of the commands seem to work (Invalid Usage, even though they're copied straight from the Wiki), the config is flooded with unnecessary comments, i can't even figure out how to configure this anymore, you've changed all the values to random sh!t and nothing seems to work. You start creating them in game then attempt to edit the impossible config file, why not keep it all in game or all out of game, just illogical things like this.
“Simple”, I need to say that this plugin is hard to configure, and not all is in game...
I have some questions, Firstly, How do you use the <group> variable? how do you select the group, and will it work if you have the sub-group of that group? Another thing is I have some more questions I pm'd to you, if you could read those that would be awesome thanks
Guys, lets be mature here. There is no need to use profanity, instead of calling the developers plugin crap why don't you go and use another plugin ? I certainly thank him for the work he has done with 1.5.
Keep up the good work @darkbladee12
Is <args> working in v1.6.0 beta, yet?
Figured it out: <args> has become <params>
Can you please add that you can do a command with tho words for example /sa single leave sg leave. Thanks
Please use version 1.5.0 since it's the recommended version! (1.6.0 is just a Beta)
I'm aware of that bug and the outdated wiki, but the current version is still a WIP and is therefore marked as a Beta version! When everything works correctly I'm going to update the wiki. (There will also be some more commands to make the plugin more simple again, but still highly customisable)
To register an alias, simply do "/sa create name-of-alias" in-game. Then head to your plugins folder, find SimpleAlias, inside you will find a folder named aliases. In here you should now see a file with a name of your alias you just created. This file you now need to edit manually. A server restart is also needed for it to take effect. This is how I have done a simple command.
This Plugin is shi Just Errors: Cant register alias as a Command.... the wiki is completly outdated nowhere it stays how to simply create just one command not more....
Really nice plugin! However, you need to update the wiki so people know to use <params> instead of <args> and that /sa reload doesn't work, but it require server restarts. Stuff like that. Will save people alot of time spent on trial and error. But otherwise, works perfectly!
This plugin's config literally hurts my eyes. So many useless options, all i care about is the dynamic arguments and creating a "simple" alias!!! I still haven't figured out how to use it. I have a bunch of default aliases with the names i want, how do i assign /k info <arg 1> to a /village info <arg 1> command?
he is my config again:
there where no errors when I ran it.
Please search in your latest.log for errors and post them here and please upload your config on pastebin. (it's easier for me to read)
What wrong here is my config! when I tpye the command it dosn't even pop up. Alos the numnber is not in it it just pasted in like that for some reason
Message: '&cYou have to define a tag'
Every time I use one of the commands I make it says "&cAn internal error occurred while attempting to preform this command"
What version of SimpleAlias are you running?
I want to make an alias so when you do /k, it executes the Essentials command /kick. What args would I use?