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    Oct 20, 2021
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    180.97 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.17


- Minecraft Version: 1.17.x

**NOTE: Configuration files from below version 1.2.0 are not compatible with this version!**


- Config to set the maximum level per XP-Barrel. (Default: Infinite)
- Config to set the maximum level per custom experience bottle. (Default: 30)
- These limits not apply to the `give` command. Therefore, a barrel or bottle can be prefilled with more experience.

- Middle click in recipe inventory to directly get the item. (Only for players with the xps `give` permission.)
- Plugin update checker.
- Setting to change the owner of a block.
- Settings to control the actions a player can take on a block. (view, use, take/place items, withdraw xp, deposit xp)


- Renamed Permission `xps.commands.showrecipe` to `xps.commands.recipes`.
- If you now forbid a player to craft a recipe, (via Permission) the recipe and how-to-topic is now hidden for that user.
- Inventory Layout. Empty, unusable Slots are now filled with a decent gray glass pane. (Maybe change that again.)
- Loading the default recipe not closing the editing window anymore.
- Settings inventory stacks are less confusing now.
- XP-Barrel and XP-Bottler are now immune to fire and explosions.
- Some translations. Also Removed color codes, they're handled internally.


- Config only loads the default value.
- Possible error when loading modified recipes.
- Stacks are not saved correctly, when breaking the block.