News and upcoming changes

Update as of 12th February 2015

Plugin updated to v2.5.0. Documentation can be found at

Update as of 10th February 2014

The migration of the host is now complete and almost all services are running again (except the wiki, will work on that later). As i always wanted to provide you a more secure line to my jira and other services i now used the time to do exactly that. You can now access JIRA over https via and (when available)

The old subdomains and are now redirecting from http to the new location.

If nothing stays in my way you will see all plugins updated for 1.6.4 and 1.7 today.

Update as of 03rd February 2014

Im currently migrating my server to another host. This also means, that all Services including the Ticket system will be unavailable during that time. Please be patient. The system will come back online soon.

Update as of 22nd November 2013

Since 1st November i do not have a working internet connection available any longer due to problems with my ISP. Im now in the 4th week with no internet at home.

Sadly this does limit my ability to update the plugin currently. Im working on getting the line back. In the meantime please be patient.

Update as of 22nd October 2013

As the last commit got rejected due to new submission guidelines i took my time and fixed some other bugs during the last weekend. As of now you can use two new commands /xauth update and /xauth upgrade.

The first one checks if there is a new version available and the second one upgrades it.

Checkout the release log for further details.

Update as of 18th October 2013

Fixed a critical bug where non-authenticated users could execute admin commands. xauth reload now works as expected without throwing an Exception.

Update as of 4th October 2013

Added a new page that should help you understanding the new Permission System

Update as of 3rd October 2013

I just uploaded the new version of v2.4.1. Some of you might have downloaded the previous release of 2.4.1 please remove it and download this one. It includes all fixes mentioned in the release log.

If you didn't read the archive note that the permission nodes changed completely. To get the new ones just use "xauth config permissions.debug true". No restart/reload needed!

Your log will display the correct node. An example of possible permissions can be found inside the config.yml. Just replace guest with xauth. This list is still not complete but for everything else the debug mode should do the trick. Be aware to test those nodes when the server is not full with players as this will fill up your log really fast.

This version should now work as expected. If you still find a bug please report them at Project xAuth. Thank you!

Update as of 1st October 2013

Im very sorry that i had to remove the latest version of xAuth but it contained a very critical bug that would not allow login or usage of this plugin. Additionally it would kick any user after using the command /login after the set timeout because i recently set the login command to always reload the user from the database. As a side effect the TaskId is lost in this process and its not cancelled after using the login command.

On 2nd October (Tomorrow) i will publish the fixed version 2.4.1 for public usage.

Update as of 30th September 2013

I have uploaded a fixed version of 2.4 (2.4.1) release which resolves the database issue. I also removed the 2.4.0 release to prevent running into this problem.

Update as of 4th September 2013

It has come to my attention that xAuth 2.4.0 contains a bug where sql tables are not correctly updated thus preventing usage of resetpw feature. I will try to update it from here today and release a new version.

If you do have this problem please let me know on my jira under XAUTH-111. Thanks!

Where can i find older news?

Older news can be found in the Archive. Checkout News and Upcoming Changes (The Archive) if you want to read older news.


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