WorldeditRegions: WorldEdit addon.
WorldEditRegions - Limit WorldEdit to regions.
Supports: [WorldGuard, Towny, Factions, GriefPrevention, Residence, PreciousStones, Regios]
Source code: GitHub
With this plugin installed, you are able to restrict or limit the use of WorldEdit to regions a user has permission for (e.g. WorldGuard region).
Works with cuboid and polygonal selections |
Almost every worldedit command can be restricted |
Supports block pasting, brushes, and block copying |
Selections extending outside the region will be cut off |
Adds optional user controlled WorldGuard region management |
If you would like this plugin to hook into your plugin or a regioning tool, PM me.
Coming soon:
- Factions multi chunk masks
- Factions wilderness support
- WGCustomFlags "worldedit-region" flag (optional)
- improved global mask support
Worldedit |
1 or more from the list below |
Restrict VoxelSniper: VoxelSniperRegions
Worldguard |
Towny |
Grief Prevention |
Precious Stones |
Factions |
Residence |
Regios |
- This plugin does not support overlapping regions
- Only cuboid regions will work.
Permission | Description |
wrg.notify | Will tell you if you have no WorldEdit Region |
wrg.notify.greeting | Will tell you if you enter a WorldEdit Region |
wrg.notify.farewell | Will tell you if you leave a WorldEdit Region |
wrg.factions | Allows worldedit in land their faction owns |
wrg.worldguard | Allows worldedit in worldguard regions they own |
wrg.worldguard.member | Allows worldedit in worldguard regions they are a member of |
wrg.preciousstones | Allows worldedit in preciousstones land they own |
wrg.preciousstones.member | Allows worldedit in preciousstones land they are a member of |
wrg.residence | Allows worldedit in residenceland they own |
wrg.residence.member | Allows worldedit in residenceland they are a member of |
wrg.towny | Allows worldedit in towny land they own |
wrg.towny.member | Allows worldedit in towny land they are a member of |
wrg.regios | Allows worldedit in regios land they own |
wrg.regios.member | Allows worldedit in regios land they are a member of |
wrg.griefprevention | Allows worldedit in griefprevention land they own |
wrg.griefprevention.member | Allows worldedit in griefprevention land they are a member of |
wrg.copy.bypass | Allows you to copy anything outside your region |
wrg.bypass | Allows worldedit anywhere |
In order to WorldEdit, you still need the WorldEdit permissions.
Here are some permissions from WorldEdit and WorldGuard
- worldedit.wand
- worldedit.history.undo
- worldedit.history.redo
- worldedit.selection.pos
- worldedit.selection.hpos
- worldedit.region.set
- worldedit.region.replace
- worldedit.region.walls
- Click here for full list
- worldguard.region.define - to create a region
- Click here for a full list
The following WE permissions are not not safely restricted by this plugin
- worldedit.reload
- worldedit.scripting.execute
- worldedit.snapshots.restore
- worldedit.delchunks
The following commands are optional, if you are not interested in them, simply ignore this part of the plugin.
They basically allow for self serve region creation, so players can protect their own land with WorldGuard, providing it does not overlap with any other region. You can also set a limit on how many regions a player can create.
Command | Description | Perm |
/wrg create <player> | Creates a region for a player | worldguard.region.define |
/wrg create | Claim some unclaimed land | worldguard.region.define.own |
/wrg trust <player> | Add a player to your region | worldguard.region.addmember.own.* |
/wrg share <player> | Add a player as an owner | worldguard.region.addowner.own.* |
/wrg untrust <player> | remove a player from your region | worldguard.region.removemember.own.* |
/wrg <flag> <value> | Add a flag to your region | worldguard.region.flag.regions.own.<flag> |
/wrg remove | Delete your region | worldguard.region.remove.own.* |
Have WorldEdit run on a separate thread
- AsyncWorldedit
- DO NOT USE SAFEEDIT (it breaks various plugins including this)
Help letting players claim land for themselves
- Use the command /wrg claim - PERM: worldguard.region.define.own
- Set in the config the max claim area (1024 = 32x32)
Help setting block edit limit
- Use the worldedit config "limits.max-blocks-changed"
Help using players inventory
- Use the worldedit config "use-inventory.enabled"
Help with configuring messages
- The next version will have strings in the english.yml file
Help with adding a cooldown to commands
- Maybe try out boosCooldowns
Help setting up multiple regions per player.
- In this plugin's config change "max-region-count-per-player"
Help adding EVERYONE to a region
- simply add the user "*" to the region
Help adding a cost for certain commands
- If you have essentials, you can add a command cost in the config.
- Want to reduce lag caused by WorldEdit: AsyncWorldedit
- Want custom flags, maybe try out WorldGuard Custom Flags
- Want command cooldowns: boosCooldowns
- Want to log and rollback worldedit: CoreProtect
Want to support the project? ![]() |
WorldEdit 5
If you still use WorldEdit 5, please use the file attached here.
@DraevynB Thanks for the feedback.
It will be very difficult with the way I have implemented it to check if every block changed is inside the region, without being a resource hog. What I can do, which is sort of a cheat, is for certain commands check whether pos1 and pos2 are inside the region and then send them a message if you selected blocks outside your region. I hope this quick fix will be good enough for now.
I am loving it so far. So far my only suggestion would be to add a message when someone tries to change blocks outside of their owned region. Right now the command seems to succeed but nothing happens. Even if its as simple as "Some blocks were unaffected because they were not inside a region you own." Other than that, I am extremely pleased to see this much needed plugin! Thanks!
Just started with it, Thanks for making this! It is exactly what I was looking for. I will post any comments after I had a chance to try it out more.
Please let me know if you like this plugin, or if there are areas in which it needs to be improved.