The plans for this mod
For this mod I am planning to create a fully functional questing system and economy running of the Spout API, or in the the future maybe even having it's own client launcher (similar to the Technic Pack). With this mod, I would like it to be as user-friendly as possible so I will be integrating a user interface into Minecraft and will allow for item rewards as well as experience and an amount of the servers currency. This will be a multiplayer only mod.
How the mod will work
Even though at such an early stage in this mods development I cannot say exactly how the functionality will change/progress, I will try and express how this mod will work anyway.
How It Will Function (Story)
When you log in to a server, for a game in the realm of Minecraftia, for the very first time you will initially see a character creation menu giving you role play options. The first screen will ask you which alliance you would like to join, be it Red, Blue or Yellow, after you make this choice you will be faced with a second window this will be the class selection menu, here you choose your role e.g. Mage, Priest, Warrior e.c.t. The final menu will be your characters look, you choose the sex, colours and facial features of your character and now your finally ready, to go into the world of Minecraftia.
After character creation, your character will wake, for the first time, to see an NPC will a golden exclamation mark (!) floating above his head. A helpful tip in-game explains to you that this means that the NPC, has a quest that you is suited for your level. The tip also explains that if you click with your right mouse button, you can interact with the NPC and it will tell you of its quest. This will bring up a screen with the details of the quest consisting of the quests name, description, reward and two buttons, Accept and Decline. If you press decline you are able to accept the quest later, but if you press accept, the quest will be activated for you and detailed in the quest tracker, and the golden exclamation mark (!) will have changed to a silver question mark (?).
Once you have finished the quest, you have to find the NPC that had given you the quest known, in this situation, as the destination NPC. The destination NPC used in delivery quests as well as some other quests, for example "I would like you to kill 5 zombies, and give the Zombie flesh to Betty the Witch," might in some cases be different to the NPC that gave you the quest. When you have found the destination NPC and you have completed the task you will see a golden question mark (?) above the NPC's head. This symbolizes that you have completed the quest, and that the NPC can now give you the reward you earned.
To receive the reward you have to right click (interact) with the destination NPC and then you will see a message, "Hello again [Player Name], Did you collect those five-thousand bare arse's I sent you for?" Then at the bottom of the screen there are two buttons, Next and Close. If you press close you can still complete this quest later, but if you click accept you see another screen. This screen has a message like "Jolly good, well I suppose I owe you some form of reward!" After this it shows you the rewards you will get. Some experience, a bit of the server currency and some items. On some quests you can have to choose which item you want. You would then select the item by left clicking it. Once you have selected your item(s) you can then select the Complete button or the close button. If you press close you can still get your reward for the quest later.
To Do
Server Side
- Server side questing support
- Inbuilt economy and external economy support
- Alter the way you get experience from mobs
- PVP, Arena's, Dungeons and Alliance's (For example: Reds vs Blues vs Yellows)
- Multi node support? Separate servers for Arena's and Dungeon's (if even possible)
- Management of Trading and In Game Shops
- Possibly auction house support
Client Side
- Quest User Interface
- Quest tracker in the HUD
- Quest icons above NPCs
- Moving around of the HUD
- Adding a mini map to the HUD
- Adding more slots to the players Armour (Adding slots for Hands, Neck, Shoulders e.c.t.)
- Replacing of Enchantments to make attributes ( For example: +5 Intelligence -3 Stamina)
- Adding Interact-able signs
- Adding Classes (Mage, Priest, Warrior, Archer, Paladin...)
- Making potions be like AOE spells for Priests, Mages and Paladins
- Making potions "Learn-able"
- Ability to get quests from Signs, Books and NPC's
- Creating a trade ability for all players
- Creating NPC shop support
- Manufacture an action house
- Creating mobs and adding them into the game and making mobs biome specific
- And many more coming soon...
If you have a suggestion for this mod you can either comment your suggestion below or create a ticket for it at the top-right of this page.
I have restarted development on the plugin now, I will let you know if i have updates
I will try and support this plugin in every way, this is an ideal plugin! Please make this happen!
Paste the source your already have. Ill attempt to help
Thank you for your support, I will continue my work developing though it has been painfully slow progress as I am still learning Java.
Hurry up please!! I'm dieng for this!
Perfect *-*