Wormhole X-Treme v1.0.31


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  • Uploaded
    Jan 13, 2013
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    259.26 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.4.6-R0.3


BUKKIT-1567, BUKKIT-3069 fixes
* fixed WALL_SIGN directions
* fixed LEVER directions
* fixed gate creation direction
* fixed BlockFace directions
* fixed 10 layer STARGATE_MATERIAL limitation (now we check all layer)
* added two new debug commands to fix old gates
* execute "wxt fixgate <gateName>" or "wxt fixgates" to fix all existing gates
* wxt fixgate command is limited to Ops
* all changes to gate are now persistent (owner can be changed via command now)
* Fixed command "wxt permissions"

Individual Permissions is still disabled due to backend refactoring. Note: This has nothing to do with normal permissions only permissions stored in database (when used /wxt perms) would be affected

Upgrading from pre-2.0.31 versions

If you upgrade from an older version you have to execute the next steps in order to get all dial signs correctly faced. (Step 3 is really important. If something goes wrong you can always fallback to your backup database and start over.)

  1. shut down the server
  2. install wormhole-x-treme
  3. make a backup of your Database plugins/WormholeXTreme/WormholeXTremeDB/WormholeXTreme.sqlite
  4. make sure that you did make a backup of your database
  5. start the server
  6. make sure that no one does build a stargate
  7. execute the command "wxt fixgates" once
  8. execute the command "wxreload now" or reload the whole server

After that all GateFacings are fixed and the dial sign should be placed correctly. This command can be ignored from now on. All new gates will be placed with the correct GateFacing. This command is only needed for existing pre-2.0.31 created gates.

Detailed background info

If you want to know why it tooked so long to get a fix out and what was wrong in detail have a look at my github comment on this bug here