fixed unused flags did not get deleted in database
fixed most flags not saved in database
Version 1.2
the region group property is now saved too -> you need to update your database
added VectorFlag support
added LocationFlag support
added SetFlag support
Version 1.2.1
added support for custom flags
Version 1.2.2
reworked the way flags are saved -> you need less files and tables; the get method of WorldGuard should work correctly now
Version 1.2.3
added CustomSetFlag class => use this to prevent the WorldGuard error message when working with set flags
Version 1.2.4
important bugfix for database users
Version 1.2.5
another important bugfix for database users
added CustomLocationFlag and CustomVectorFlag
Version 1.3
added reconnect function if sql server closed connection
full release
Version 1.3.1
fixed flag values not saving
Version 1.4
added utility class to check CustomSetFlags at locations
Version 1.4.1
recompiled for Java 6
fixed plugin sometimes not using logger
Version 1.4.2
fixed for CB 1.4.4-R0.1
Version 1.4.3
fixed NullPointerException
Version 1.5
fixed /worldguard reload sometimes removing custom flags
set logging level for world saving to finest
it won't spam your console anymore
added setting to determinate when the flags should be saved
name: flag-saving
values: save (save on world saving), unload (save on world unloading) and change (save on flag change)
added getFlagValue function for developers to get a flag value at a location
checks parents and priorities
Version 1.5.1
fixed NullpointerException for EnumFlags in flat file save handler
flags are saved asynchronously now
fixes lag for some servers
fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for /region command
Version 1.5.2
fixed exception on server shutdown
restructured changelog ;)
Version 1.5.3
added PluginFlag
added function to add all flags of a plugin
Version 1.6
added support for flags.yml
added support for flag descriptions (will be useful later)
Version 1.7
improved support of flags.yml
improved error handling when saving flags
saving does not fail completely when a single exception occurs anymore
added /flags command
usage: /flags [-d|-i <flag>]
/flags lists all custom flags
/flags -d lists all flags (including the default ones)
/flags -i <flag> displays information about a flag
Version 1.8.1-beta
added support for WorldGuard 6
Version 1.9
updated to Bukkit 1.9
You get errors from WorldGuard when you set flags, but this does not affect the behaviour of the server. (only if you do not use my Custom flag classes)
this is an error of WorldGuard that will probably fixed in a future update
the /region command of WorldGuard sometimes produces errors. (fixed?)
Sometimes flags are not properly registered in WorldGuard.