WorldEdit 6.0
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UploadedDec 5, 2014
Size1.50 MB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.7.9-R0.2
- CB 1.6.4-R2.0
Before upgrading: If you are upgrading from WorldEdit 5.x, you may find that some plugins are incompatible with WorldEdit. If you find that to be the case, you can downgrade to the latest 5.x version without incident.
This version is compatible with:
- Bukkit for 1.6.4
- Bukkit for 1.7.5
- Bukkit for 1.7.9
- Bukkit for 1.7.10
- Cauldron for 1.7.10
- Spigot for 1.8
If you try to use WorldEdit on an unsupported version, WorldEdit will work, but you may be unable to properly copy/paste signs, chests, entities, and some other things.
- Added support for MC 1.8 items (rotation, however, may not yet fully work).
- Fixed the configuration file not being generated.
Quote:Protect your server! WorldEdit also works with WorldGuard.
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- When possible, update to the latest version of CraftBukkit.