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UploadedSep 27, 2014
Size107.51 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.7.9-R0.2
- CB 1.7.9-R0.1
IMPORTANT NOTE: if you have a bypass list saved from a version of WorldBorder older than 1.8.0, it will be wiped when you first run this release. The wipe will only happen once as soon as you run 1.8.0 or newer, as a safety precaution.
This is the final planned release of WorldBorder for Bukkit. I may be adapting some functionality of this plugin for Sponge later, but no promises.
- When using the radius command you can now optionally specify + or - at the start of <radiusX> and [radiusZ] to increase or decrease the existing radius rather than setting a new value. (by Maximvdw)
/wb worldName radius +16 - increase existing border radius size by 16 blocks for world "worldName".
/wb radius -100 - decrease existing border radius size by 100 blocks for the world you're currently in.