
# Wither Version 2.0

#Set this to true to disable all block damage caused by the Wither
No-Wither-Block-Damage: true

#Set this to true to disable all explosion damage to entities caused by the Wither.  (this includes damage to paintins and item frames)
No-Wither-Explosion-Damage: false

#Set this to true to completely block the spawning of a Wither
No-Wither-Spawn: false

#Set this to true to use the below worlds list to set per-world limits on where a Wither can spawn
World-Restriction-On: false

#Add worlds here that the Wither should be blocked from spawning in
#Make sure to set World-Restriction-On to true
  - example_world
  - example_world_nether

#Messages when a player is denied the ability to spawn a Wither
Permsission-Blocked-Message: '&cYou are not allowed to spawn a Wither!'
World-Spawn-Blocked-Message: '&cYou are not allowed to spawn a Wither in this world!'


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