Reload error #2

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to _ForgeUser7590415
  • _ForgeUser6914484 created this issue Dec 15, 2011

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. start my server
    2. reload the server using /reload
    3. This error keeps happening every nanosecond, and server reload wont continue

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    i expect the server to reload, instead this repeats over and over

    What version of the product are you using?
    craftbook 1.0.1 R1 and whoplacedit V. 5

    Do you have an error log of what happened?
    2011-12-15 18:43:52 [WARNING] [SQL INFO]Error at SQL Query: cannot commit transaction - SQL statements in progress
    2011-12-15 18:43:52 [WARNING] [SQL INFO]Error at SQL Query: query does not return ResultSet
    2011-12-15 18:43:52 [WARNING] [SQL INFO]Error at SQL Query: query does not return ResultSet
    2011-12-15 18:43:52 [WARNING] [SQL INFO]Error at SQL Query: query does not return ResultSet
    2011-12-15 18:43:52 [WARNING] [SQL INFO]Error at SQL Query: query does not return ResultSet
    2011-12-15 18:43:52 [WARNING] [SQL INFO]Error at SQL Query: query does not return ResultSet
    2011-12-15 18:43:52 [WARNING] [SQL INFO]Error at SQL Query: query does not return ResultSet
    2011-12-15 18:43:52 [WARNING] [SQL INFO]Error at SQL Query: query does not return ResultSet
    2011-12-15 18:43:52 [WARNING] [SQL INFO]Error at SQL Query: query does not return ResultSet
    2011-12-15 18:43:53 [WARNING] [SQL INFO]Error at SQL Query: query does not return ResultSet
    2011-12-15 18:43:53 [WARNING] [SQL INFO]Error at SQL Query: query does not return ResultSet
    2011-12-15 18:43:53 [WARNING] [SQL INFO]Error at SQL Query: query does not return ResultSet
    2011-12-15 18:43:53 [WARNING] [SQL INFO]Error at SQL Query: query does not return ResultSet


    Please provide any additional information below.
    This only happened when I got whoplacedit, i love the plugin though

  • _ForgeUser6914484 added the tags New Defect Dec 15, 2011

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